Monday, December 29, 2014

Amazing Fruit: Prevents Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Attack

If you don't eat figs, you are missing out on some amazing health benefits.
Figs health benefits to treat mild disease such as get rid of acne’s or pimples to prevent some cancer disease such as prostate cancer. Figs rich in beta-carotene, another high nutrient content in it is carbohydrates. Its contain vitamin A, C, E and K and other vitamins, also minerals such as calcium, copper, iron and so on. Read more

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Instant Coffee still has Health Benefits

I still remember several years ago when there was this big "health benefits of coffee" craze going around. While it is true, back then they were mainly promoting some effect it has on the liver and how it can help prevent alcoholic cirrhosis. Coffee also has cognitive benefits within reason and its antioxidant properties are generally what it is mostly touted for, nowadays. Speaking of that, a fairly recent study (maybe 3 or 4 years ago) found that this beloved beverage contains a compound with anti-cancer properties, called methylpyridinium. Yeah, don't you just love all of those cool names that are hard to spell? Anyway, it isn't found in any other food or drink and it isn't even found in raw coffee beans. Methylpyridinium is formed from trigonelline - during the roasting process. That particular study was from the Medical University of Vienna albeit I don't know what year it was exactly.

Anyway, with that being said, I've always wondered if Instant Coffee has the same benefits. Over the last couple of years I have searched for some studies that says otherwise, but time after time, it really seems that coffee is still, uh, coffee. I mean, instant or perked from fresh coffee beans, they all seem to have health benefits; cheers!

Side Note: It was funny a few years ago, when I seen some college kid in a Supermarket while I was out shopping late at night. He was trying to find something to keep him awake. He said, "dang, nobody sells coffee around here this time of night." I told him, "hey, just buy some instant coffee; it is basically the same thing." The guy said, "instant coffee? What? I have never heard of instant coffee before. Show me where I can find some." I couldn't believe that he never heard of it, but he was serious nonetheless... LOL!

--->'Click Here' to find some Instant Coffee Online<---

---End of Post "Instant Coffee still has Health Benefits"

Pesticides in Coffee and Tea

This really sucks, but it was brought to my attention yesterday about the growing concern for pesticides in our tea products. I really like tea, and I definitely prefer it over coffee. However, it seems that certain brands of tea have just got out of hand. What makes this suck even more, is that some of the most popular brands are the worst, such as Lipton and Celestial Seasonings. Now, of course we live in a world full of poisons, chemicals and food additives, and a lot of our produce (fruits & vegetables) are already loaded, but we can at least wash some of it off. I can't really wash my tea leaves off before brewing them nor am I going to even try.

Instead of me giving out facts and figures, if you are interested, check out the following link:

After reading all of that crap, I quickly got online and ordered me some Organic Green Tea from Legends of China (or whatever it was called) and Organic Chamomile Tea and, while I was at it, even though I normally would buy this as non-organic, I even ordered organic honey. Ha-ha! A little pesticides here and there, I can live with. But they acted like certain brands of tea have far exceeded the limit that the FDA allows. Yikes!

As for the coffee, it appears to be much safer even though it also has pesticides. A quote from Coffee Review states: "The flesh of this fruit is discarded. Along the way the seed is soaked, fermented, and subject to a thorough drying process. Later it is roasted at temperatures exceeding 400°F, and finally broken apart and soaked in near boiling water. Given this history of relentless attrition, it hardly seems possible that much if any of the small amounts of pesticide/fungicide residue permitted by law in green coffee ever make it into the cup." If you are a big coffee fanatic, feel free to read more about that, here:

Anyway, I just thought I'd bring that to the surface, in case anybody isn't aware of this. Thank God there isn't pesticide in my beer yet!

--->'Click Here to Shop for Organic Green Tea<---

---End of Post "Pesticides in Coffee and Tea"

Iodine vs. Bromine, Chlorine, and Fluoride

Some of you may be aware of the growing iodine deficiency that is starting to unknowingly plague many people, once again. Iodine plays a major role in the human body, especially the thyroid gland. In fact, many studies now link an iodine deficiency to breast and thyroid cancer (including other types) along with other disruptions in the body, since iodine acts as an adaptogen, which basically means it helps regulate and normalize various functions throughout the body. Iodine also has a nutritional relationship with selenium. Its importance to the thyroid gland was one of the major reasons why iodine was being added to certain foods and to some of our salt supply, many years ago. However, going by what I've read, the food industry decided to remove iodine from baked goods and replaced it with bromine, over 4 decades ago!

The problem with this, is that not only does bromine replace the much-needed iodine in certain foods, it also blocks and/or makes it even more difficult for the body to absorb iodine. For example, bromine binds to the thyroid gland's receptors for iodine, which hinders the activity of iodine in the thyroid gland itself - and it does this quite effectively, to say the least.

Bromine is not the only enemy for iodine, either, as chlorine and fluoride also have negative effects when concerning this valuable nutrient we call iodine. Some may say that it's an ongoing conspiracy to damage the health of the people at large, but let's not get into that crazy stuff right now. I'm simply posting about iodine because many folks are not aware how, for one, they may not be getting enough and, two, how bromine, chlorine and fluoride blocks and/or affects how your body uses iodine. With that being said, one can actually consume what would normally be enough iodine, but if you eat a lot of baked goods with bromine, for example, or ingest too much fluorine and chlorine, you may actually still be deficient - depending on the degree of these other outside factors.

Instead of me preaching about the health-related factoids at hand, and how or why this may have a big impact on overall health, I'll just provide a few resource links below. What I will do, though, is list a few natural sources of iodine, in case you are trying to avoid taking supplements. Seafood is an excellent source, by the way, but not everybody likes seafood for some reason. When listing plant sources that spawn from the ground, it is a bit harder to accurately determine the iodine content because it really depends on the quality of the soils being used to grow such things.

At any rate, the most common (natural) sources of iodine come from seafood of all types - especially cold-water fish like Cod/Pollock/Tuna and shrimp, etc. Seaweed is an excellent source of iodine, too. Depending on the animal feed, iodine can often be found at respectable amounts in milk and other dairy products like cheese. Chicken eggs can also contain a decent amount of iodine. Potatoes (skin included) are also a good source and even corn has a fair amount. Many of the green leafy vegetables and various types of fruit can all have trace amounts, but there again, we get back into the "how much bromine, chlorine and fluoride do you ingest?" type of query if you are only getting small amounts of iodine.

To further your reading:

--->'Click Here' to Search for Iodine Supplements Online<---

---End of Post "Iodine vs. Bromine, Chlorine, and Fluoride"

Table Sugar vs. High Fructose Corn Syrup

I was just reading an elaborate page about some ongoing legal battle that involves the basic sugar (stuff like cane sugar, beet sugar, etc.) companies taking on what they calling "false claims" by the corn syrup companies. I usually just call the basic white stuff "table sugar," so that is what I mean when referring to such. I don't know much about high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) other than it has a bad reputation and that it is altered by man and it's nowhere near as "natural" as they claim it is. If you'd rather read about this long drawn-out legal battle, go here:

On this post, I provided a chart that shows the decline of table sugar and the rise in high fructose corn syrup, over the last several years. The most healthy sweetener (in my opinion) is honey, and it has basically remained the same down through the years, going by the data in the chart. I'm assuming the main reason for the corn syrup additives, is to cut the cost. Whether it has more negative health effects than common table sugar, is something I wouldn't argue about, but I'm pretty sure it isn't any better!

I have heard of some companies illegally using corn syrup in certain types of honey products so they could make more profit. However, if you have ever had real honey, it should be easy to distinguish between the real and the tainted. But the bottom line, to me, is that the more uproar and court battles they go through, the elevated public awareness should help decide who the real winner is in the long run. With more manufacturing companies replacing high fructose corn syrup with natural sugars, and more people avoiding products with corn syrup in it, table sugar may ultimately come back out on top.

I think the matter is relatively simple, though, since a diet high in simple sugars is generally not a good idea. The best sugars to consume are from fruits, honey, and the small amounts in most vegetables. Cakes, pies and twinkies do not grow from the ground, regardless of who wins the Sugar vs. Corn Syrup battle.
In a thumbnail:  Use some common sense, people!

---End of Post "Table Sugar vs. High Fructose Corn Syrup"

What is up with the Probiotic Craze?

Evidently, this is one of the biggest health kicks since fish oil became so popular. Probiotics have slowly been gaining steam, but the last couple of years it has hit the market running - and fast! There is literally a probiotic craze going on right now, and I'm confused at why there is suddenly a high demand for such things. If you are not aware, probiotic supplements suppose to increase the healthy, "friendly" bacteria in your gut for better digestion, intestinal health, disease prevention, etc. They even claim that it helps fight off the common cold, flu, reduce cholesterol, aid in weigh loss, you name it!

First of all, the human body suppose to already have billions of these organisms in the intestines/gut. A lot of folks don't realize this, but even if a person has some long bout of flaming diarrhea and intestinal stress that flushes away or kills a lot of your healthy bacteria, your appendix (if you still have one) acts as a "good bacteria warehouse" and replaces what you lose, to help keep a balance. If you are one of those people that still think the appendix has no purpose, go here:

Anyway, eating a healthy diet alone, helps keep a balance of this much-needed intestinal bacteria. Fruits and vegetables are great for this, and especially raw vegetables. Hell, even certain types of teas and pickles are a form of probiotics, even though you don't hear about those very often. Yogurt has long been known to have probiotic power, but not everybody sits around and eats yogurt all day. Oh, one of the worst things for healthy gut bacteria is to take antibiotics for long periods of time. You are destroying both the good and bad bacteria when you do this, so think about it. I doubt if eating junk food and fast-food most of the time is good for your levels of friendly bacteria, either.

To make matters worse, it has been found that many of these probiotic supplements are not living up to their name and you are not getting anywhere near what you are paying for. If you'd like to read more about how the consumers are getting lied to and totally ripped off, go here:

What will the next health craze be? Drinking toilet water for boosted immunity? LOL!

--->'Click Here' to Search for Probiotics Online<---

---End of Post "What is up with the Probiotic Craze?"

Grapefruit is not good for Detox or certain Medications

First of all, I'm about as omnivorous as they come, and I can seemingly eat and enjoy almost any food, drink, etc. I've never been a picky eater and I'm lucky that I wasn't born with the fat gene or whatever they call it now. Anyway, I hate grapefruit. I can't stand the stuff. If I'm asked about what types of food I like to eat, I normally tell them that they are better off asking me about what kind of foods I don't like, as the list will be much shorter. Yeah, grapefruit and perhaps a couple more things out of everything I've tried so far! So, the point is, I have a chance to insult grapefruit and I'm going to take it; ha-ha!

Grapefruit, unlike some people may claim, is terrible for a detox and is not even recommended at all, if you take certain types of medication. In fact, I've heard of people dying from such things, only to find out later (not the ones that died, of course) that it was the grapefruit's fault. There are many resources for this, so I don't really even know where to start.

Don't get me wrong, grapefruit is normally considered to be a healthy fruit, but not for certain circumstances and/or individuals. Personally, I'm glad that I hate the stuff because I enjoy my beers too much and we all know how alcohol can keep a liver busy. Anyway, according to Ann Louise Gittleman in "The Fast Track Detox Diet," grapefruit actually interferes with liver detoxification (both phase I and phase II). This freaky fruit inhibits the function of one of the liver's most important enzymes, which is CYP3A4. A quote from a health website states: "Grapefruit juice decreases the metabolism of many drugs, allowing more of the drug to be absorbed. Therefore, substantially higher levels of pharmaceutical drugs may show up in the bloodstream than if grapefruit had not been consumed. This also puts increased strain on the liver during a detox, as grapefruit can enable toxins to be more readily metabolized, similar to drugs." You can read more about that, here:

At any citrus rate, I feel better now that I have insulted this fruit that I absolutely detest; LOL!

---End of Post "Grapefruit is not good for Detox or certain Medications"

Hot or Warm Korean/Panax Ginseng vs. Cold or Cooler American Ginseng

This post will briefly compare the two main varieties of ginseng, the Korean Ginseng (Panax Ginseng) to American Ginseng. I will also mention a few other potential benefits this herb has, outside of the most commonly touted benefit, which is boosted energy. I will bring up which is hot and which is not; ha! Okay, okay... I mean which type is Yin and which type is considered Yang.

While not for everyone, depending on your current medical conditions, ginseng is generally accepted as a wonderful herbal remedy that promotes balance in the body as well as increased energy, sexual performance, stamina levels, and increased cognitive function. Many people use it to combat stress, as well. Since ginseng acts as an adaptogen, it does tend to have a stabilizing effect on various functions within the body and reduces the effects of stress. By definition, adaptogens increase the ability of an organism to adapt to environmental factors. Ginseng even helps some people who suffer from alcohol withdrawal, for example. Ginseng helps the liver and the body remove alcohol from the body in a quicker fashion and this effect has been tested and proven many times over. Since it also acts as an antioxidant and is loaded with ginsenosides, it can help prevent free radical damage from toxins along with possessing some anti-cancer properties, etc.

When a fairly healthy individual takes this, ginseng tends to help balance your blood sugar and level out your blood pressure when consuming this herb in moderate amounts. Although, if you abuse ginseng for a long period of time, it may actually elevate your blood pressure. So, like most things, use in moderation. I know that the Panax/Korean Ginseng is often recommended to be used for several weeks, followed with a break of at least a couple of weeks before starting the regimen again, in case it builds up in your system, etc. I'm still unsure if this is necessary or not. However, I have heard that the American (Panax quinquefolius) ginseng can be taken consistently in a daily fashion. Personally, I've taken them both for long periods of time before without any ill effects, but if in doubt, ask your doctor, as they say.

Another warning that comes with ginseng, is if you suffer from bouts of low (hypoglycemia) or fluctuating blood sugar, as ginseng may cause it to drop to unsafe levels in people with those types of problems. If you are on blood-thinning medication, it also wise to check with your doctor before taking this particular supplement.

Chinese herbal medicine often involves the yin/yang philosophy in their practice. Yin as in cold or cooler, and yang as in hot or warm. When it comes to promoting the yin energy, American ginseng is the one. It has a cooler, calming effect when compared to Korean ginseng. American ginseng is often used during the summer months or when a person has a fever, since it suppose to help cool the body. Korean ginseng promotes yang energy, since it is considered hot and/or warm. It is often used to enhance blood circulation and during the colder months, since it supposedly helps warm the body. To me, they both are great herbs and each have similar health benefits. The main difference without all the cold/hot Chinese chatter, is that Korean/Panax ginseng is more potent and is used more as a stimulant. However, American ginseng gets more credit for improving your immune system and for enhanced cognitive function. Some people claim that American ginseng even helps people that suffer from ADD, etc.

Well, I was going to get more into the Chinese Yin & Yang stuff, but I see that this post is already getting rather long. At any rate, ginseng is one of my favorite herbal supplements, as you can probably tell by reading this; ha!

--->'Click Here' to Shop for American Ginseng Online<---

---End of Post "Hot or Warm Korean/Panax Ginseng vs. Cold or Cooler American Ginseng "

Friday, December 26, 2014

DIY Cold and Flu Bomb

If you do come down with a cold or the flu this winter, the "Cold and Flu Bomb" recipe can get you back on your feet in no time.
,,, Today I am going to share with you a very basic, very useful, and very specific use of essential oils.  It has been my experience that three simple oils, applied to the bottom of your feet at the onset of a cold, will bust the nasties quickly and allow you to get on with the business of living.

This protocol is commonly referred to as the “Cold and Flu Bomb”. Read more

Monday, December 22, 2014

6 Reasons Why You Can't Out-Exercise a Bad Diet

The belief that if you can eat and drink as much and whatever you want if you exercise enough is still popular, but here are six reasons why it isn't true.
Sure, you could eat whatever you wanted in high school and stay thin as a rail. But unfortunately you’re not 17 anymore, and even if you work out ‘round the clock, you can’t transform your body if you constantly give in to cravings, high-fat foods, and sweet treats. The truth is, flat abs are made in the kitchen and no amount of cardio and crunches can sculpt a sleek physique if you maintain an unhealthy diet. Read more

Friday, December 19, 2014

Stroke Test: Can You Balance on One Leg?

According to a new study, Older people who cannot balance on one leg for twenty seconds are more likely to have a stroke.
Older people who struggle to balance on one leg for 20 seconds are more likely to have a stroke, researchers claimed yesterday.

The simple test identifies those in need of extra support because they are more likely to have poor brain health, such as undiagnosed damaged and bleeding small blood vessels. Read more

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

3 Exercises for Low Back Pain

Low back pain is a common problem, but three exercises can help relieve the pain, says Edward Group.
Low back pain is a common complaint among old and young alike, and the causes are as numerous as the levels of severity experienced by sufferers. While the cause of back pain is important, it’s not necessarily going to fully bring about ease to the current situation. Exercises for low back pain may be helpful for reducing painful symptoms and may help provide strength and promote flexibility. Improved health of the spine, which naturally results from doing these exercises, may help ease pain and provide an improved quality of life. Read more

Monday, December 15, 2014

One Mineral Reduces "All Cause Mortality" Dramatically

One mineral has been found to reduce "all cause" mortality dramatically, says Alexandra Preston.
Magnesium is a common element that has many functions in the human body, from energy production to providing bone density. It is also necessary for cardiovascular health. In fact, this simple mineral has been shown in a German study to dramatically reduce both cardiovascular disease mortality rates and the mortality rates from all causes. Read more

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Force That Powers Your Body

Electrolyte minerals, which provide the force that powers your body, are a commonly overlooked category of nutrients, says Margaret Durst.
Trace minerals are a category of nutrients that are commonly overlooked but very important to our health. One of most important roles of trace elements is as an electrolyte. Our bodies are bioelectric. Each cell acts as a tiny battery with its own electrical force powered by electrolyte minerals. Read more

Monday, December 8, 2014

Eating Blueberries Can Improve Night Vision

Eating blueberries can improve your night vision, reduce eyestrain, and improve weak eyesight, says Jonathan Benson.
The health benefits of blueberries are seemingly endless, and among these are improved eyesight, particularly at night. Multiple studies out of Europe and Israel confirm that eating blueberries regularly may help improve night vision, while another study out of Japan says blueberries can help reduce eyestrain and improve weak eyesight. Read more

Friday, December 5, 2014

the 6 Best Alternative Grains

If you're trying to eat gluten-free but still want to eat grains, Edward Group lists the six best alternatives to wheat and corn.
Grains are a dietary staple for many people, despite their subpar nutritional status. Wheat and corn are the most consumed grains in the world and their proliferation into the food market makes them almost impossible to avoid. An added problem with corn is that it’s often genetically modified, a practice that presents its own concerns. And, of course, for many people, the gluten content in wheat does a terrible number on their digestive system. Fortunately, there are several alternative grains that provide better nutrition without the problems. Read more

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How to Treat a Stye

Dr. Joe Alton explains how to prevent and treat styes yourself.
The family caregiver has to be able to handle problems that occur in times of disaster and good times as well. One common issue they’ll encounter is that of styes. Read more

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Liquid Gold Hangover Cure

With the holiday parties coming up, you may find use for this effective, natural hangover cure.
It isn’t a bad thing to indulge in a few too many drinks at the holiday party, or lose count of cocktails at a dinner with the in-laws. But no one wants to suffer from an intense hangover from letting loose. Have no fear. You may be able to naturally and easily treat that hangover with a simple, natural, beneficial substance that looks like liquid gold – honey! Read more

Friday, November 28, 2014

4 Surprising Health Foods for the Holiday Season

Not everything we eat during the holiday season is bad for us, says Victor Marchione.  Four traditional holiday foods are surprisingly healthful.
All of us have been there… sitting at the table after a big holiday meal, feeling heavy and in need of a serious nap.

In the name of good family and friends, many of us willingly fall off the health wagon, giving in to the snacks, breads, sweets and larger-than-life portion sizes.

There is good news for your health. Not every food item on the menu needs to be avoided! Read more

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Top 7 Foods That Increase Penis Size

If you want to increase the size of your penis, you are undoubtedly doing penis enlargement exercises. However, to get the most benefit from your workouts, you need to make sure that your body is well-nourished. Eating the right foods will help with increasing penis size, improving your sexual performance, and even improving the health of your penis and prostate. Seven foods in particular will help you get faster and better results from your penis enlargement program.

1) Cayenne Pepper

If you consume cayenne pepper (the seasoning or the pepper itself) each day, you can strengthen your blood vessels and boost your metabolism.

2) Dark Chocolate

A small amount of dark chocolate daily can do a lot for your body, including helping your penis grow bigger. Dark chocolate helps you increase your size since it contains flavonoids, which improve circulation.

3) Garlic -

Garlic helps your penis grow bigger by getting rid of impurities in your blood and speeding up blood flow.

4) Ginger

Ginger is well-known for boosting blood circulation.

5) Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in a variety of foods, such as salmon, avocados, and nuts. Omega 3 fatty acids increase blood flow and improve your cardiovascular health.

6) Oranges

Oranges not only boost your immune system and decrease your stress levels, they will also help strengthen your capillary walls and prevent plaque build up.

7) Watermelon

Watermelon doesn't just help you cool off on a hot day. It also contains lycopene, an antioxidant that helps improve blood circulation.

If you look at all the foods above, what's the one thing they all have in common? They all improve blood circulation. Having better blood flow is one of the most important factors for growing a bigger penis, consistently and quickly developing an erection, lasting longer in bed, and having powerful orgasms. Although they can help, taking expensive male enhancement pills is not necessary. You can save money (and improve your overall health) by adding these nutritious foods to your diet.

Does having a small penis make you feel like less of a man? Imagine... in just 2-3 months from now you could have a longer and thicker penis - and the "Big Man" confidence that goes with it. To learn how to increase the size of your penis up to 2-4" in length and up to 1" in girth, click here!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Brain Training a Waste of Time

Unsurprisingly, a study has found that "brain training" is a waste of time.
Brain training computer games designed to boost the mental ability of elderly people are a waste of time and money, scientists have warned.

Companies which make handheld gadgets and games consoles have created a £640million global industry aimed at baby boomers entering their twilight years.

They claim to stimulate the brain, improve cognition and boost memory - and have in recent years been advertised by actors such as Nicole Kidman and Julie Walters. Read more
If you want to train your brain, the best way is to learn something new: study a foreign language, learn a musical instrument, or read a book. Playing computer games won't train your brain for anything except playing computer games.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hardcore Plyometric Workout

Check out this hardcore plyometric workout with JamCore Girl Lisa Clapperton. It is definitely NOT just for women.

Monday, November 17, 2014

3 Powerful Herbs You’ve Never Heard of

These three lesser-known herbs may not make you immortal, but they are certainly powerful medicinal plants.
Using Nature To Unlock Our Immortality

Immortality has always been a dream of conscious humans. The desire to avoid death and live eternally is universal, profound and God-like.

Answers to the mystery of immortality have been growing in forests and jungles since the dawn of time. Read more

Friday, November 14, 2014

10 Supplements That May Increase Energy

If you seem to have little energy for no apparent reason, Edward Group says these ten supplements may help increase energy levels.
One of the most common health complaints today often revolve around having too little energy. Feeling tired is a normal and natural signal that tells you it’s time for sleep, and getting a full night’s rest may be all that is needed for relieving any fatigue that may be plaguing you. A chronic state of fatigue, however, represents a much bigger issue. Considering that energy is a cellular function dependent on the vitamins and minerals you consume each day, consistent low energy levels typically indicates a cellular imbalance. Read more

Monday, November 10, 2014

How to Get a Bigger, Harder Penis

Men who have a small penis often lack self-confidence and wonder whether they can really please a woman in bed. The medical establishment claims that the only way to increase penis size is through risky, expensive, and often ineffective penile surgery, but this is simply a self-serving falsehood. Men through the centuries have been using devices and exercises to increase penis size long before doctors developed penis enlargement surgery.

Penis enlargement exercises are the best way for most men to get a bigger penis. Some of the devices do work, but they need to be used with trained supervision to avoid damaging the penis. This kind of supervision was available in the tribal societies that originally invented the devices, but men nowadays don't have that advantage. Penis enlargement exercises, when done properly, are just as effective and much safer. The following exercises are the foundation of any effective penis enlargement program.


Jelqing is the basic penis enlargement exercise. Men have added up to two inches in length and one inch of girth with jelqing. To perform a jelq, with your penis semi-erect, use an OK-grip and slowly stroke up the penis shaft toward the head. Jelqing not only brings nutrient rich blood into the penis, but it also uses the same principles as muscle-building to increase penis size. See my post Exercise for Bigger Erections for more about jelqing.

Penis Stretching

Penis stretching is probably the oldest form of penis exercising, and is still essential to any penis enlargement program. You may have seen pictures of Kayan women, in Thailand, who from an early age, begin the process of stretching their necks. This same principle is applied in penis stretching. You can learn more about penis stretching from my post Exercise for Longer Erections.

Penis Squeezing

Penis squeezing is an exercise that increases the thickness of the penis. Women generally prefer a penis with more thickness over length, but having both is better. If you want a thicker penis, see my post Exercise for  Thicker Erections.


Kegels are a way for men to strengthen their pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, whcih are the muscles needed to support your erection angle and control ejaculation. Although Kegels may not be specifically designed for penis enlargement, they will give you harder, stronger, and longer-lasting erections. For a complete Kegel exercise routine, see my post Exercise for Harder Erections..

The least you must do for an effective penis enlargement program is jelqing and Kegels. Stretches and squeezes are not that effective on their own, but combined with jelqing and Kegels, they can enhance your development beyond what jelqing alone can. Performing all four exercises is the best way to achieve a longer, thicker, harder penis.

Does having a small penis make you feel like less of a man? Imagine... in just 2-3 months from now you could have a longer and thicker penis - and the "Big Man" confidence that goes with it. To learn how to increase the size of your penis up to 2-4" in length and up to 1" in girth, click here!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Flu in the Time of Ebola

Dr. Joseph Mercola reveals six essential sanitary measures to take to prevent the spread of infection.
Recently, I’ve spent a lot of time talking about the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, as well as the sporadic cases that have been recorded in the United States. In this article, I’ll discuss an illness that is much more likely to be an epidemic in this country: Influenza. America sees about 200,000 cases of flu virus every year; the chances of dying from this common disease is much more than Ebola. I’ll focus on prevention today, and treatment in the near future. Read more

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Top 9 Anti-aging Antioxidants

Edward Group reveals the top nine anti-aging antioxidants. (You probably haven't heard of some of these.)
For years, scientists believed aging was a foregone conclusion and out of our control. Recent research, however, indicates that we have more authority over the aging process than previously realized. In fact, aging has more to do with the stress and function of our cells than it does with the number of candles on our birthday cake. The best way to protect cells from aging involves regular consumption of potent antioxidants, many of which are freely available in plant-based foods. Read more

Monday, November 3, 2014

Paleo Diet Cuts Colon Cancer Risk in Half

Eating like a caveman can cut the risk of colon cancer by 50 percent, according to a new study.
It's a fashionable way to shed the pounds.

But following the Paleo or caveman diet may have another even more important benefit.

Researchers say it could slash the risk of bowel cancer by half.

Followers of the diet shun processed foods – such as takeaways, packaged goods, bread and pasta. Instead they only eat foods which would have been available to our hunter-gatherer ancestors such as fruit, vegetables, nuts and lean meat. Read more

Friday, October 31, 2014

Boost Your Immune System: What NOT to Eat

Want to stay healthy/ Then don't consume these six immune system wreckers, says Daisy Luther.
Tis the season for the flu shot propaganda machine to rev into high gear, as Big Pharma, the CDC, and the mainstream media urge people to roll up their sleeves and have toxins like mercury and formaldehyde injected into them, all in the name of “staying healthy this winter.”

There’s a much easier way to stay healthy that also involves toxins – the ones in our food supply. Only I recommend avoiding them instead of injecting them directly into your body. Read more

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

8 Health Benefits of Turmeric

Edward Group lists eight impressive health benefits of the spice turmeric.
Turmeric, or Curcuma longa, is an ancient spice used traditionally among the peoples of India and Asia as far back as 2,000 BC. The spice belongs in the ginger family and has been highly prized in the culinary traditions of these ancient cultures for millennia. Turmeric imparts a vibrant yellowish hue to curry dishes, and the spice is also used as a natural dyeing agent for cloths. In Persia, turmeric comes from the word saffron and is closely related to the spice.

The main phytochemicals that give turmeric its most impressive and wide-ranging health benefits are curcuminoids. Amazingly, over 9,000 medical and clinical research studies have been conducted on this amazing spice and its extracted curcumin in recent years, with most finding significant physiological benefits. Read more

Monday, October 27, 2014

7 Ways to Last Longer in Bed with a Woman

Do you want to learn how to last longer in bed so that your wife or girlfriend will be utterly and totally satisfied? Now a woman will probably will not come right out and tell you that she's sexually frustrated, but if you can only last for a few minutes, the chances are that she is. The good news is that it's possible to become a better lover, and pretty quickly too. You can start by following these seven tips:

1) Get into better shape.

Exercising and being in good physical condition will increase your sexual stamina as well.Your endurance will be increased, and you will be able to last longer than usual.

2) Get more protein and vitamin E in your diet

Foods such as fish, olive oil, and nuts will improve your sexual health. You can also get protein and vitamin E in supplements although try to get as much from your diet as you can.

3) Go for a second round.

If you ejaculate too quickly, don't just roll over and go to sleep! Wait a bit and go for a second round. You can spend time kissing, cuddling, and performing oral sex on her until you're ready to go again. It's easier to last longer during subsequent rounds.

4) Use the stop-and-go method.

Learn to identify the point at which ejaculation is inevitable, and stop just before reaching that point. Stop, pull out, and take some deep breaths. Take as long as you need to get control before going at it again.

5) Try the squeeze technique.

When you start to reach the point of inevitability, stop, pull out, and squeeze your penis just below the head. Put some pressure on the urethra on the underside of the shaft. This might be uncomfortable or even painful at first, but it's one of the easiest ways to last longer bed. It suppresses the ejaculatory urge so that you can regain control

6) Try to get her to climax first,

Bringing your partner to orgasm first will reduce your anxiety. Sometimes premature ejaculation is due to performance anxiety. If you take care of her pleasure first, you'll be able to relax. Don't be in a rush to stick it in. Spend extra time on foreplay and oral sex. When you do get to intercourse, take your time, and take a break if you get too excited.

7) Use the woman-on-top position.

Let her on get on top, and ask her to take things slowly for the first few minutes. You need to avoid doggy style and the missionary position if you want to last longer in bed, as these positions are more stimulating.

Following these seven ways to last longer bed with a woman will definitely help you delay ejaculation. Some of these tips you could try tonight. Others may take a bit more time. Either way, premature ejaculation is a problem that can be solved, but it's up to you to take the necessary steps.

Are you sick and tired of the frustration and embarrassment of finishing way too soon? Finally, you can end the "personal hell of premature ejaculation forever! To discover how you can last 15-45 minutes longer in bed tonight, click here!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Drinking Soda Can Cause Premature Aging

Drinking soda may accelerate the aging process as much as smoking, according to a new study.
It is well-documented that, due to their high sugar content, regular consumption of soft drinks has been linked to the development of various health problems including diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

A new study has suggested that their negative physiological effects may be even more far-reaching, however, concluding that even consuming just one soda per day can cause premature aging. Read more

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ebola: A Scurvy-Like Illness?

Dr. David Brownstein says that it is possible that Ebola may be preventable with high doses of vitamin C because it seems to be a scurvy-like illness.
This past weekend, I travelled to Indiana to give a lecture. During my driving time, I was thinking about the Ebola problem. Ebola eventually kills by causing massive bleeding. Patients suffering with Ebola may bleed out of every orifice as well as from the nipples.

To cure Ebola, the media has been reporting that there is a race to bring a vaccine to market. However, a vaccine probably won’t help those already infected with Ebola. Other pharmaceutical companies are researching anti-viral drugs that will kill Ebola. Read more

Monday, October 20, 2014

One Hundred Gram Carb Cure

For those who don't need to switch to a ketogenic diet (yet), one hundred carbohydrate grams daily is a reasonable limit for the reasons given. Unfortunately, the meal plan presented follows the debunked five-meals-a-day regime, so it shouldn't be used.
Dr. Mike Roussell and Chris Shugart are blindfolded and tied to chairs in a room with no windows. A fully-automatic assault rifle is pointed in their direction.

A gruff voice says, "When I count to three, you will both tell me one thing that will solve the obesity epidemic for the general population andhelp the advanced athlete and bodybuilder shed fat rapidly."

Mike and Chris hear a metallic click. The safety has been removed.

"One, two, three!"

"Eat about 100 grams of carbs per day!" they shout simultaneously. Read more

Friday, October 17, 2014

Wine, Peanuts, and Chocolate May Prevent Osteoporosis

Red wine, peanuts, and chocolate may help prevent osteoporosis, according to a new study.
A glass of red wine, a handful of peanuts or a nibble of chocolate could protect against osteoporosis.

Resveratrol, a natural compound found in red wine and grapes, mulberries, cocao powder and peanuts has anti-inflammatory properties which protect against bone loss in mice and rats. Read more

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

10 Facts About Caring for Your Kidneys

Edward Group reveals how to remove kidney stones and detoxify the kidneys.
In the same way air filters remove dust, pollen, and other allergens, the kidneys remove wastes and toxins from the blood. Modern environmental pollutants, UTIs, and drugs like NSAIDs can lead to serious damage to the kidneys, and processed foods only increase the risk. Since we simply can’t replace our kidneys like we might an air filter, regular kidney cleansing can go a long way in protecting the health of these vital organs. Here are 10 essential facts for receiving the most from a kidney cleanse. Read more

Monday, October 13, 2014

Ejaculatory Control Exercises

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual complaint that affects on out of three men at some time in their lives. However, in order to provide maximum pleasure to his partner and himself, a man needs to be able to last longer than a few minutes. If you need to achieve more ejaculatory control in the bedroom, you should know that this is quite possible with a little practice. Here is how to get started with your training.

Ejaculatory Control Solo Training

1) PC muscle exercises

One thing that you can practice to develop more ejaculatory control is PC muscle exercises, also known as Kegels.. The PC muscles are located just behind the scrotum on a man, and you can feel them when you stop urinating mid flow. All you have to do is to gently contract these muscles just at that point where you feel you are about to climax. This action can stop the ejaculatory response, giving you more ejaculatory control. My post Exercise for Harder Erections outlines a complete PC muscle exercise program.

2) Edging exercise

Edging is masturbating without ejaculating. To train to last longer, stop just before ejaculating and wait for the urge to subside. By doing this, you will be training your body to gain complete control over your ejaculatory response. This allows you to last longer, and helps to develop ejaculatory control The more you practise this exercise, the more ejaculatory control you will achieve.

Ejaculatory Control Partner Training

When you have made some progress training by yourself, it's time to take your training to the next level and practice with your partner. This will be more difficult than training by yourself as you will find yourself more aroused when you are in bed with your partner. What you can practice with your partner is edgingi: coming to that point of ejaculation and then backing off until the urge subsides. Practicing edging by yourself should give you a pretty good idea of when you need to pull out and cool off. Once you have control of yourself, return to intercourse, Keep repeating the procedure until your partner is satisfied.

You don't necessarily have to become a master of solo training before going on to practicing with your partner. However, edging with a partner is definitely harder than practicing edging by yourself. Continue your solo training even after you start partner practice until your ejaculatory control is as good as you and your partner want it to be.

Are you sick and tired of the frustration and embarrassment of finishing way too soon? Finally, you can end the "personal hell of premature ejaculation forever! To discover how you can last 15-45 minutes longer in bed tonight, click here!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Controlling Diabetes with Exercise

Although diet has to be the primary method of controlling diabetes, exercise is also important, says Caitlin MacKenna.
Exercise can help control your blood sugar levels when you are diabetic. In addition, if you are overweight and diabetic, exercise will help you lose weight. However, as a diabetic, there are extra considerations and precautions that you need to take before you begin an exercise program. Nevertheless, exercise is an important tool in your effort to manage your diabetes. Read more

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Are You Eating Enough Protein?

Liz Bennett says that not eating enough protein cn sabotage your weight loss results.
A common misconception about weight loss is “eat less, lose faster”. This belief might lead you to make drastic (and potentially dangerous) changes in your diet…changes that can actually backfire and sabotage your weight loss efforts. Read more

Monday, October 6, 2014

5 Natural DHT Blockers for Reversing Hair Loss

Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is a by-product of testosterone manufactured in the adrenal glands, hair follicles, testicles, and prostate gland. It is generally accepted that the chief culprit in the hair loss is DHT. Elevated DHT is the primary culprit responsible for a male's loss of hair, muscular tone, and prostate function. Therefore the main focus of any program to reverse hair loss must be to block DHT.

DHT blockcing is accomplished by:
  • Lowering the production of DHT.
  • Inhibiting the production of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase which converts testosterone into DHT.
  • Reducing the amount of substances that can produce the enzyme 5 alpha reductase such as cholesterol
  • Preventing DHT from attaching to the receptors in the hair follicles..
A "DHT blocker" is a product that achieves any of the above objectives. The DHT blockers on this list are all natural remedies. They offer you a natural way to block DHT without negative side effects of pharmaceutical, such Propecia. The purpose of DHT blockers is to keep DHT from damaging the hair follicles. Damaged hair follicles will start producing less hair and thinner hair until they stop producing hair completely.

1) Emu Oil

Emu oil contains a high level of linolenic acid, which has been shown to be an efficient anti-androgen. Linolenic acid is a powerfult 5 alpha reductase inhibitor and may be usefull in the treatment of conditions related to the hormone Dihydrotestosterone. In summary, it is believed that emu oil may not only stop hair loss by blocking DHT, but it may actually promote regrowth.

2) Nettle

Nettle's benefit to men in reducing symptoms of prostate enlargement. An extract of nettle is sometimes combined with saw palmetto and pygeum to treat the early stages of the condition. The herbal combination helps increase urinary volume and the rate of urine flow. Since male pattern bladness is caused by the same factor (DHT) as prostate enlargement, this combination of ingredients is also quite effective for preventing hair loss.

3) Pumpkin Seed

Eating raw pumpkin seeds is an traditional remedy for the prevention of prostate enlargement. The DHT-blocking effects of pumpkin seed arise from the presence of unusual amino acids, such as cucurbitin, as well as several plant steroids, particularly delta-7-sterols.

4) Pygeum

The active ingredients of pygeum extract include phytosterols that inhibit the production of DHT. Pygeum also reduces prolpcting levels and blocks the accumulation of cholesterol in the prostate. Prolactin is thought to increase the uptake of testosterone by the prostate, and cholesterol increases the binding sites for DHT. Basically, pygeum lowers the levels of DHT in the blood and reduces the number of sites where DHT can attach. This includes reducing the number of hair follicles where DHT could bind.

5) Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is probably the best-known natural DHT blocker. It works in a similar way that Propecia does. First, it reduces levels of DHT in the body by blocking 5 alpha-reductase. Saw palmetto also blocks receptor sites on cell membranes required for cells to absorb DHT. Saw palmetto is a powerful herbal DHT blocker.

To mount an all-out assault on hair loss, men should start using the herbs saw palmetto, pygeum, and nettles.  Adding pumpkin seeds and emu oil will boost the effectiveness of the herbal combination. The great thing about this treatment protocol is that it not only prevents hair loss, but also prostate problems.

In 17 days or less, you can stop your hair loss with a revolutionary lotion that is cheap and easy to prepare. The lotion consists of three herbs easy to find anywhere and two items found in your local pharmacy. To get the formula to stop your hair loss, click here

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Aztec Seed That Can Help You Lose Weight

Chia seeds are high in nutrients, low ub calories, and hitting the mainstream.
Just a year ago, you would only have found chia seeds in health food stores, but the tiny, super-healthy seeds have gone mainstream — and can now be found in virtually every supermarket. Read more

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

6 Tocix Products to Eliminate from Your Home

Eliminate the six common toxic products that may be making you sick.
Did you know that the air inside your home is often more toxic than the air outside? In fact according to the Environmental Protection Agency our indoor air environment is two to six times more polluted than the outdoor air environment.

Considering that nowadays we spend on average 90% of our time indoors, it is extremely important to keep this air clean. You can invest in an air purifier, and other products that are supposed to clean the air inside of our homes -or you can let the air flow through your house as often as possible. If you can, go as natural and simple as possible when choosing cleaning products. Here are 6 of the most important toxic products to eliminate from your home: Read more

Monday, September 29, 2014

5 Simple Tips to Reverse Hair Loss and Regrow Hair

Hair loss is a common problem for men, even for some as young as their mid-20s. Hair loss occurs for a variety of reasons. It may result from not absorbing nutrients, such as vitamin E, as we age. It could be the result of high levels of DHT, a chemical found in higher concentrations in men than women, and which is known to make it difficult for the body to regrow lost hair. To counteract these causes, here are some simple methods people have successfully used to regrow hair and keep themselves looking youthful.

1) Get your hair nutrients.

You need plenty of protein to be able to reverse hair loss and regrow hair. You also need sufficient vitamin E. Drink protein shakes and eat foods rich in vitamin E such as nuts and legumes.

2) Stop attacking your hair with heat.

If you use a blow dryer all the time, stop. Heating up your hair and scalp all the time may be causing your hair loss.

3) Wash your hair with with rosemary leaves.

Boil the rosemary leaves, strain them out. and then keep them in a jar. You can wash with this tea before shampooing, or you could try mixing it with a shampoo.

4) Massage olive oil into the scalp.

For some people this method works to reverse hair loss and regrow hair. Olive oil is rich in Omega-9, which may help regrow hair.

5) Use a .DHT blocker.

There are some hair loss treatments on the market today that are designed to inhibit the body's production of DHT. When DHT is inhibited sufficiently, your body will be able to reverse hair loss and regrow hair.

If your hair loss is advanced, you should probably try all of these tips. None of them are very troublesome, nor very expensive. Just remember that hair takes time to go through the growth cycle, so be sure to give the tips you try time to work.

In 17 days or less, you can stop your hair loss with a revolutionary lotion that is cheap and easy to prepare. The lotion consists of three herbs easy to find anywhere and two items found in your local pharmacy. To get the formula to stop your hair loss, click here!

Friday, September 26, 2014

7 Healthy Spices You Should Be Eating

It's not only the food you eat that can improve your health, but also what you put on it.
Spices are an important part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. For one thing, they can add a lot of zest and flavor to your food, making it less likely that you will use a lot of salt or oils to make a given dish taste good. Better yet, many spices are just healthy in and of themselves, the compounds that give them their flavor and color also bringing in a whole array of healthful benefits. Below are seven of the healthiest spices from around the world. Read more

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

5 Simple Lifestyle Changes Prevent 80 % of Heart Attacks

Men can significantly reduce their heart attack risk with five simple lifestyle changes, according  to a recent study.
Most heart attacks in men could be avoided by making five simple lifestyle changes, researchers claim.

Losing the belly, cutting down on alcohol, walking for 40 minutes a day, eating more fruit and veg and quitting smoking would drastically lower their risk.

A study of 20,271 men found that four out of five heart attacks could have been prevented by taking these five basic steps. Read more

Monday, September 22, 2014

Increase Your Brain Function Naturally

Margaret Durst reveals how to increase your brain and nerve function naturally.
Preserve your brain and nerve function. There are great supplements and lifestyle changes to help with this.

Some of the keys to long-term health for brain and nerves involves keeping insulin, blood sugar, inflammation, and toxicity at low levels. Read more

Friday, September 19, 2014

Why Diet Soda Causes Weight Gain

If you're trying to lose weight or prevent diabetes, drinking diet drinks may sabotage your efforts.
People who drink diet sodas over regular sodas are more likely to be overweight or obese, but scientists weren't sure why. The theories fell into two camps: one, something inherent to artificial sweeteners causes weight gain or two, diet sodas imply a diet and heavy people are more likely to be on one.

While we can't discount either quite yet, put down one more point for the first theory. A new study from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel reveals that artificial sweeteners may have a deleterious effect on our gut bacteria. Read more

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Eating High-Fat Dairy Products Cuts Risk of Type-2 Diabetes

Eating high-fat milk, cream, and cheese cuts the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a new study.
High fat dairy products such as cream, full-fat milk, yoghurt and cheese can actually reduce the risk of developing diabetes, according to a new study.

Swedish researchers found that people with the highest consumption of high-fat dairy products - eight or more portions a day - have a 23 per cent lower risk of developing the condition than those who eat one portion or less per day. Read more

Monday, September 15, 2014

Reverse Hair Loss with Onion Juice

Recent studies indicate that thinning hair is caused by the build up hydrogen peroxide and the reduction in catalase, a natural antioxidant. Build up of hydrogen peroxide causes oxidative stress, which leads to hair loss. In addition to being a nutritious vegetable, onions are also effective for increasing hair growth. Onions contain sulfur, which helps to regenerate hair follicles. Results from one study showed that 74 percent of the participants who applied onion juice to their scalp had significant hair growth within four weeks.

How to Make Onion Juice for Hair Treatment

You need to get some fresh onions to get the juice. Fresh juice is more potent, and it is better you make it in small amounts so that it does not need to be stored for long. You have 3 ways to make onion juice:

1) Juicer

Using a juicer is the easiest way you can make onion juice. Just peel the onion, cut it in half, put it in the juicer, and start juicing. The juice will be ready in seconds.

2) Blender or Food Processor

Peel the onion and cut it into four pices. Put the pieces into the blender or food processor and start blending. Strain the mixture to take only the juice.

3) Grater

Peel the onion and cut in half. Grate the two halves over a bowl or plate. Strain the mixture to get the juice only.

How to Use Onion Juice on Your Hair

Apply the juice to your scalp daily. Massage it lightly in to your hair, which helps it to be absorbed by stimulating the hair follicles. Leave it on for 30-60 minutes. Even better is to leave it on overnight and wash it out in the morning. Although you may find the smell to be strong, the results are worth it. This method will help stop hair loss in only about two weeks. Of course, it will take longer to completely regrow your hair, especially if you have lost a lot.

In 17 days or less, you can stop your hair loss with a revolutionary lotion that is cheap and easy to prepare. The lotion consists of three herbs easy to find anywhere and two items found in your local pharmacy. To get the formula to stop your hair loss, click here

Friday, September 12, 2014

Daily Plank Workout

This plank regimen could be the daily exercise your fitness routine is missing.
The one exercise that I do every single day: Planks. Why? Planks target and strengthen the entire body: arms, legs, shoulders, and core. This is the one exercise, hands down, where I have seen the most results in toning, Especially in my abdominal area, but the benefits of including a daily plank regimen goes way beyond strengthening and toning abs. Yes, that is correct, planks do not “just” get rid of the muffin top.

More than just rock solid abs (as if that isn’t enough!) Read more

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

High-Protein Diet Linked to Lower Blood Pressure

A high protein diet is linked to a LOWER risk of high blood pressure, according to new study. Researchers found that people who ate around 102g of protein a day had a 40% lower risk of developing high blood pressure than people who ate around 58g a day.
You might think that a diet involving juicy steaks, blocks of cheese or pots of houmous is a heart-attack waiting to happen.

But people who eat a high-protein diet have a lower risk of high blood pressure than those who eat less protein.

U.S. researchers found people who consumed about 102g of protein a day had a 40 per cent lower risk of developing high blood pressure than people who consumed half this amount. Read more

Monday, September 8, 2014

7 Natural Hair Loss Solutions

Everyone loses approximately 50 to 100 strands of hair every day. Only when the hair loss exceeds this amount do we begin to notice thinning or bald spots - a condition known as alopecia. Many men begin to experience hair loss in their 30s because at this age, hormonal change, stress, and unhealthy diets start to take their toll. Fortunately, there are natural hair loss solutions that are helpful in facilitating hair regrowth.

1) Quit smoking.

Smoking reduces circulation, including circulation to the scalp. Quit smoking and improved hair health will be just one of the benefits.

2) Stay hydrated.

Staying hydrated is essential to tissue growth and overall health. The hair shaft itself is largely made up of water.

3) Increase your protein intake.

Protein is the building block of each and every tissue in your body, including your hair. If you don’t eat meat, make sure you are getting enough complete proteins by including legumes and whole grains together, along with quinoa, and nuts to your diet.

4) Increase your vitamin A intake.

Vitamin A is necessary for healthy hair because it works with the fat synthesis. Food products rich in vitamin A include leafy greens, carrots, and eggs

5) Take B-complex supplements.

B vitamins have a wide range of benefits in the body. One in particular (B3) increases circulation to the scalp. Taking a b-complex supplement will ensure you are getting enough of them all.

6) Supplement vitamin E.

Vitamin E also encourages blood flow in the body and helps grow new blood vessels, which helps hair to grow. Besides taking a vitamin E supplement daily,opening a capsule and applying the gel inside to hair follicles can prevent hair loss.

7) Use herbs.

Herbs are among the most time-tested hair loss solutions. Herbs, such as enugreek, ginger, lavender, rosemary, and thyme, have been shown to help hair growth and prevent balding. Using essential oils of herbss for a scalp massage can help with hair loss. Two drops of essential oil should be blended with one tablespoon of base oil, such as almond, jojoba, or olive, to make a hair

You really should follow  all of these recommendation in order to stop and prevent hair thinning and balding. All of them, with the exception of the herbs, are things that everyone should be doing anyway.  If all of the men in your family was bald by age 50, you may have a difficult time reversing the trend, but by using these natural hair loss solutions, you could slow the progression of hair loss and keep your hair for as long as possible.

In 17 days or less, you can stop your hair loss with a revolutionary lotion that is cheap and easy to prepare. The lotion consists of three herbs easy to find anywhere and two items found in your local pharmacy. To get the formula to stop your hair loss, click here.

Friday, September 5, 2014

1,000-Year-Old Hangover Cure

Hungover? A 1,000-year-old Middle Eastern recipe claims to be the "ultimate hangover cure."
A big night out is usually followed by a fry-up, a cup of tea and painkillers.

But a Middle Eastern recipe uncovered in a 10th century cookbook could be all you need to cure a hangover.

The 1,000-year-old Iraqi dish involves cooking meat with vegetables and spices, and then adding something known as 'kashk'. Read more

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Low-Carb Diets Beat Low-Fat for Weight Loss: Study

A new study has found that low-carb diets not only beat low-fat diets for weight loss, but contrary to the researchers' expectations, are  also better for lowering the risk of heart disease.
A low-carbohydrate diet is better for losing weight and may also be better for lowering the risk of heart disease than a low-fat diet, according to a new study.

While low-carb diets have outperformed other diets when it comes to weight loss, some researchers feared they might be worse for heart health because they tend to be high in fat.

The new study shows that with proper nutritional counseling, people can lose more weight and lower their risk factors for heart disease on a low-carbohydrate diet, said the lead author, Dr. Lydia Bazzano of Tulane University in New Orleans. Read more

Monday, September 1, 2014

5 Natural Hair Loss Home Remedies

Hair loss is a major trauma for many men. At best, it's a sign of aging. Along with that, it reduces sex appeal. Many men turn to prescription and over-the-counter drugs to try to reverse their hair loss. However, these are expensive, do not always work, and sometimes have side effects, such as erectile dysfunction. A safer, cheaper alternative is to try natural hair loss remedies. The following five topical treatments for hair loss have been used for many years and have proven effective for many men.

1) Green Tea

Green tea contains anti-oxidants, which may prevent hair loss and boost hair growth. Brew two bags of green tea in one cup of water. Let the tea cool slightly, and then apply it to your hair and scalp. Leave the tea on for one hour and then, rinse your hair thoroughly.

2) Garlic Juice

Apply garlic juice to your scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave the juice on overnight. Wash it out in the morning.

3) Essential Oils

Massage your scalp daily by hand for five minutes with 1-2 tablespoons of almond, or sesame oil to which a few drops of bay or lavender essential oil have been added.

4) Hot Oil Treatments

You can use any natural oil, such as canola or olive oil. Heat the oil up so that it is warm, but not too hot to put onto your scalp. Then, massage the oil into your scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave on for about an hour. When the hour is up, rinse out the oil. Hot oil treatments should be done weekly.

5) Rangoli Henna

Rub your hair with rangoli henna. Rangoli henna is a green powder with the texture of talc that seals the hair cuticle, thereby strengthening the hair shaft at the root.

The hair's growth cycle of growth takes some time, so give each remedy a few months to work before giving up on it. Since they're cheap and safe, you can use more than one remedy at a time if you want. The important thing is to get started with something. The longer you wait, the more hair you will lose.

In 17 days or less, you can stop your hair loss with a revolutionary lotion that is cheap and easy to prepare. The lotion consists of three herbs easy to find anywhere and two items found in your local pharmacy. To get the formula to stop your hair loss, click here!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Could You Get Infrared Vision by Changing Your Diet?

Could you develop "Terminator vision" by changing your DIET? Lesser-known vitamin A2 develops infrared vision, study claims.
During World War II, the U.S. Navy wanted to boost sailors' night vision so they could spot infrared signal lights.

According to some reports, they fed volunteers supplements made from the livers of walleyed pikes, and over several months, the volunteers’ vision began seeing the infrared region.

While this legendary tale may sound far-fetched, a crowd-funded group of scientists has recreated this experiment and claims to have had successful results. Read more

How to Eat Man Food and Lose Weight

If you need to shed a few pounds (or more), but dread the thought of "dieting,"  Justin Hastings reveals how to eat man food and still lose weight.
When you hear the word “diet” what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

If you’re like most men, you probably think about tiny portions of bland, boring diet foods. A small chicken breast with some steamed broccoli. Plain oatmeal. Cottage cheese. And, of course, salad. Lots and lots of salad. Read more

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Toxic Vaccines and Autism: A CDC Coverup

Dr. David Brownstein explores the CDC cover-up of the link between autism and toxic vaccines.
A major cover-up of vaccine adverse effects is brewing and is about to explode. Much of this information came from my colleague Mike Adams from To find more information about this story, use tags #vaccinegate and #EndVaccineViolence. Read more

Friday, August 22, 2014

Do We Really Need Abdominal Training?

Abdominal training can be achieved from a broader training program, says Jean-Claude Vacassin.
Abdominal training, or core training to give it is more popular name, divides opinion more than perhaps any other aspect of fitness. Some people will have us believe that specific core training is everything if you want to move well and stay injury-free, whilst others will assert that you don't need specific core exercises to train the abdominals, you just need to do the big exercises, such as squats, deadlifts and push ups, correctly.

But who is right and how much specific core training, if any, do we need? Read more

Marijuana Takes On Alzheimer's and Dementia

Marijuana improves life for Alzheimer’s and dementia sufferers, says Paul Fassa.
You’ve probably read about the positive effects of coconut oil’s medium chain triglycerides (TCMs) to produce ketones that energize brain cells in lieu of dysfunctional brain metabolism (how coconut oil can stave off and reverse Alzheimer’s). And there are herbs from Traditional Chinese Medicine or Ayurveda that are helpful while Big Pharma flounders with failures to create a profitable Alzheimer’s pharmaceutical that might help more than harm.

But now there is another effective non-pharmaceutical solution to add: Cannabis. Read more

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Vitamin D: Don't Wait for the Doctors

Don't wait for the doctors to approve high-dose vitamin D supplements, says Bill Sardi. Practice preventive medicine yourself.
A noted expert on the topic of vitamin D and public health is calling for universal vitamin D blood testing and widespread dietary supplementation to augment dietary and sunshine sources of this essential nutrient. Adoption of these practices should not wait for further definitive studies in an effort to “rescue as many patients with vitamin D-related illness as we can during the interim and not wait for further clinical trials to end. Read more

Monday, August 18, 2014

10 Home Remedies to Prevent Premature Ejaculation:

Premature ejaculation (PE) is the inability to delay ejaculation long enough to satisfy a sexual partner. It is a common sexual dysfunction that affects millions of men around the world. There are several possible causes of PE, but the most common are depression, stress, anxiety, relationship problems, and negative past sexual experiences. Men who suffer from premature ejaculation often feel frustrated, guilty, embarrassed, and uncertain about his manhood. Fortunately, a number of natural herbal and home remedies exist that can help men to overcome premature ejaculation. Here are ten of the most effective home remedies to prevent premature ejaculation.

1) Drinking almond milk is a popular home remedy for premature ejaculation. Add a pinch of ginger, a pinch of cardamom and a pinch of saffron to one cup of almond milk and stir well. Have this drink every morning..

2) Boil a glass of milk and then add a 1-inch cube of ginger and a teaspoon of honey in it. Strain the milk mixture and then drink it daily.

3) Boil one cup of milk and add a half-ounce of asparagus root in it. For best results, drink this mixture two times a day.

4) Prepare a mixture by adding half a boiled egg and one tablespoon of honey into six ounces of finely chopped fresh carrots. Take this mixture once a day for two to three months.

5) Add a spoon of green onion seed to glass of water. Stir it thoroughly and sip the mixture before every meal.

6) Eating white onions on a regular basis may strengthen the reproductive organs and be beneficial for preventing premature ejaculation.

7) Eat two to three cloves of garlic every day.

8) Add aphrodisiac foods, such as celery, banana, carrot, and fennel to your daily diet.

9) Add saffron in your diet as often as possible. It is a powerful herb that can increase sex drive and even stimulate sexual performance.

10) Take three different herbs, Ashwagandha, Vidari, and Bala in equal amounts, and mix them thoroughly. Regularly take 1/2 teaspoon of this herbal formula along with goat’s milk (warm) two times a day. You can also take the herbal mixture with cow’s milk, but it will be less effective.

Since the cause of premature ejaculation varies from man to man, not every remedy works for everyone. Although you should give it some time to work, if one remedy doesn't seem to be helping, try another... and another if necessary. It may take a bit of experimentation, but one of them is sure to effective.

Are you sick and tired of the frustration and embarrassment of finishing way too soon? Finally, you can end the "personal hell of premature ejaculation forever! To discover how you can last 15-45 minutes longer in bed tonight, click here!

5 Steps to Prevent Premature Ejaculation During Sex Tonight

Men often ejaculate sooner than they wanted to during sexual intercourse. There are both psychological and biological reasons for premature ejaculation. An occasional episode is nothing to be ashamed of or concerned about. On the other hand, if you can prevent it from occurring, why not do so? The next time you have sex, try these five steps to prevent premature ejaculation.

1) Masturbate before sex.

Masturbate one to two hours before you are planning to have sex. This can relieve seminal pressure that may have built up. By relieving this pressure, you will be more relaxed, and itwill take longer to reach an orgasm.

2) Engage in estended foreplay.

Engage in extended foreplay instead of hurrying to penetrate your partner. This will give your partner time to become aroused and make her more responsive during sex. It also take the focus off your sexual performance during intercourse since more time is spent in foreplay.

3) Stop thrusting before orgasm.

When you do enter your partner, begin thrusting - slowly at first.. Continue until you feel you feel nearing ejaculation. Instead of thrusting harder and faster to reach orgasm, stop and pull out. Just tell your partner that you're close to orgasm and need to slow down. She'll understand.

4) Use the squeeze technique.

Squeeze the end of the penis where the head joins the shaft. Hold until you no longer feel the urge to ejaculate. Resume intercourse 30 seconds after releasing the penis. You may not be fully erect after the squeeze is applied, but sex should continue anyway.

5) Repeat if necessary.

Repeat the squeeze technique again when you feel that you are about to ejaculate. How long should you continue? Most women need 10-20 minutes to become fully aroused and have an orgasm from sexual intercourse.When she has an orgasm, or her arousal no longer seems to be building, you can go ahead and ejaculate.

Achieving ejaculatory control usually takes some time and practice, but following these five steps can help you prevent premature ejaculation tonight. If premature ejaculation is a chronic condition with you, this method will allow your to experience what sexual intercourse is supposed to be like rather than the brief episode it usually is. Best of all, it will also give you and your partner more time to enjoy sex together, and enjoyment is really what it's all about.

Are you sick and tired of the frustration and embarrassment of finishing way too soon? Finally, you can end the "personal hell of premature ejaculation forever! To discover how you can last 15-45 minutes longer in bed tonight, click here!

Friday, August 15, 2014

6 Exercises to Increase Sex Drive

If your libido seems to be on the decline, six exercises can stimulate your sex drive, says Edward Group.
Sexual dysfunction is a problem that gets an enormous amount of attention. If you’ve been in front of a television for more than seven seconds, you’ve undoubtedly seen the advertisements from the many pharmaceutical companies who are constantly pushing their drugs on the impotent public. Of course, these pills often come with side effects potentially worse than the original issue (look up “priapism”). Can anything be done to stimulate libido naturally? Yes! Sexual activity is physical activity, and the best way to get physical is to be physical and exercise! Read more