Friday, April 29, 2011

3 basic ways to use Hand Grippers...

As I mentioned before on the "methods for building powerful forearms" post, the use of hand grippers is an excellent way to improve hand & forearm strength. Besides the fact that they are great for stress relief, if you buy the right kind of grippers, you can develop crushing, bone-breaking grip power in a relatively short period of time. However, when I say "the right kind of grippers," I'm not talking about the cheap pairs you often find in the sporting good section of common retailers.

Most hand grippers on the market are, for the most part, only good for stress relief and at best, you may encounter a slight increase in grip strength if used excessively. If you're serious about gaining grip power and building powerful-looking forearms, I recommend "Captains of Crush." If you'd like to read more about those particular grippers and are also possibly interested in ordering these high-quality hand grips, visit the blog page "Build Forearm & Hand Strength - Captains of Crush."

Anyway, the 3 basic ways to use hand grippers are:

1) the standard grip motion that involves squeezing the gripper until it totally closes, then quickly release the hand grip, and then squeeze again; repeat process until the desired amount of reps are met.

2) involves the upside down grip; you'll perform the same action as described in method #1, but it will work the forearm somewhat differently since the points of pressure will be different. Fluctuating between the standard grip and the upside grip will give you a more complete lower arm workout.

3) is what I call the "squeeze & hold method" and it is an excellent way to finish off a hand & forearm workout. You simply squeeze the gripper shut with a firm grip, then hold the gripper closed for as long as you can. You can also use the very similar "hold & release method" if you desire, which is basically the same concept except you will hold the gripper closed for a preselected amount of time before releasing it, then continue to repeat the process until the desired amount of reps.

Although I have already gave a link to what I consider to be the best hand grippers on the market (Captains of Crush), if you'd like to browse through a large selection of hand strengthening devices and grippers, click the image below:

---End of Post "3 basic ways to use Hand Grippers"

What's the Best Breakfast for a Toned, Healthy Body?

Joseph Mercola discusses the latest research on what's the best breakfast for a toned, health body.
You probably realize the importance of your food choices, but does it matter when you eat? Yes, it does. To shed some light on this issue, I asked fitness expert Ori Hofmekler to share his insights.
What to Eat for Breakfast

You need to be very particular with your meal size and food choices. Contrary to popular opinion, the morning is not the ideal time to eat large meals because during this time your body is in elimination (detox) mode.

When your metabolic system is operating well, you’ll find that you have to go to the bathroom each morning, like clockwork. This is important in order to effectively eliminate toxins and prevent disease. Unfortunately, constipation is an extremely common problem, and part of the reason for this is that your body is not “set” to eliminate properly due to poor diet and improper meal timing.

So, if you’re constipated, or do not automatically eliminate every morning, it’s a giant clue you need to re-examine what and when you eat.

Ori recommends eating only detoxifying foods until noontime, such as: Read more

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Can you use a push mower instead of a riding mower?

Well folks, at least where I'm from, it is that time of year again where everything is growing, blooming, thriving, stinging, biting, and life is in full swing. This is also the time of year when many people dread mowing their yard, for whatever reason, although most humanoids today use a riding mower - even for the small jobs!

I have several peeves when it comes to other people and their mowing philosophy, but two of them really stand out. Number one, is the lawn mowing lunatics who mow their yard every two days (thanks to the good ole riding mower) - due to an obvious obsessive compulsive disorder, among other things. You can read all about what I think of those certain individuals, on another blogspot blog of mine, here:

My second peeve about other people when it comes to mowing, is the ones who have tiny yards or even normal-sized yards, but refuse to use a push mower because they are too lazy. I'm not talking about the individuals who are disabled, old, or have huge yards.

This post isn't a rant, but it is aggravating to watch people who are overweight, out of shape, lazy or whatever, refuse to exert any physical effort whatsoever, but then talk about how they wished they were in better condition or health. WTF?

This is a very simple question, and if answered right, many individuals might actually get a little exercise this year. Can you use a push mower instead of a riding mower? Can you? Do you enjoy being lazy? Have you gave up on life and just feel like being lethargic is the best path to take in life? Think about it... I really think some people should sell their damn riding mower, go buy a push mower, get a little exercise this year and quit whining about cutting the grass or how they sweat too much in the hot sun. For some folks, mowing the yard is about the only time they will do anything outdoors each year, which is not a very healthy lifestyle - to stay indoors 24/7.

I'm not your mother nor am I your physical trainer, but have any of you "less-than-motivated" people ever thought about getting a little more active? I know, technology, computers and other convenient technological advances out there can make a lot of us lazy or less active at times, but some people would be surprised at how much better they would feel if they moved around more and/or did more stuff outdoors.

Other benefits to push mowing a yard besides using a riding mower, is the fact that it saves gas. The smaller motor on a push mower doesn't have to work as hard, especially because it is lighter and it doesn't have to carry your dependent ass around the yard, and just takes way less gasoline per job as opposed to the big, expensive riding yard machine that many of you have become fond of. In my opinion, push mowing a yard also allows a person to think about a lot of things and sort of temporarily clears the mind, almost medicinal at times, as you constantly go through the rhythmic patterns of mowing back & forth, left & right...

Anyway, I know that most people in general are going to do whatever they want, no matter what they are aware of, told about, or whatever. But if one person could read this post and say, "you know, I really do need more exercise and I really don't need a riding mower for my yard," and actually sell it and start using a push mower this year, it will be worth the ramble. At any rate, just dropping a link down to my "lawn mowing lunatics" post, still made this entry worth writing. Ha-ha!

Okay folks, now try getting off your backside a little more this year and, if you get really motivated and have the land space, you may even want to put out a garden and grow your own food, as well. Enjoy the nice weather, while it's here......

---End of Post "Can you use a push mower instead of a riding mower?"

Ear Problems?

Thus far, this blog has covered several topics related to physical fitness, supplements, vitamins & herbs and healthier ways of living, along with many other health-related subjects. However, there has been no mention of ear health or ear-related problems, as of yet. I thought of this subject the other day, after viewing some traffic stats for a website of mine. It is a site that covers many topics, and is just plain random. Anyway, that's besides the point... What I've noticed over the last several months while viewing traffic stats, is that there are way more people out there with ear problems than I once thought. I currently only have two pages out of my entire site that is related to this topic, but they get hit quite often and with random search queries, keywords or whatever. In a moment, since this health blog has no posts in that area of health, I'll drop down the links for those who may be searching about certain types of ear problems.

It seems like some of the most common ear ailments that I've read about, are the following: ringing of the ears (tinnitus) and frequent problems with ear wax, which can lead to a lot of other symptoms or stem from ear infections and so on.

The problem that I notice a lot with tinnitus, besides the ones with lifelong ear ringing and the misery it must cause in severe cases, is all the scams out there that claim to be a miracle cure for this ailment. Man, this junk is almost as bad as the "Male Enhancement" promotions. If you're suffering from tinnitus that is due to ear damage (especially from the excessive exposure to loud noise), there hasn't been a medical cure for it that I'm aware of, yet there are these "cure tinnitus" pills all over the place claiming to do that very same thing (cure tinnitus). I think a lot of people who are actually thinking of buying some of these baloney products with fictitious claims, might need to read a quick blog post that warns about the possible scams out there. You can find it here: "Tinnitus Scams - Be leery..."

Next in line, is for all the ones who have problems with plugged ear wax. Although the body produces it for a reason, some folks have this gooey junk so bad, that they literally end up with temporary hearing loss. This stuff isn't funny, either. You should try walking around with one functioning ear while the other feels like it has water in it. I will say, it has happened to me before, and it just ruined everything because no matter what I was doing, I just didn't feel like myself. The following link, will provide you with some information that will hopefully help the ones who end up with mild to moderate cases of plugged ear wax and need to find a way to loosen it. This is what worked for me, but I'm not a doctor so if in doubt, use your own discretion and/or go see a professional who specializes in this field. Anyway, you can find the link here: "How to help loosen & remove plugged ear wax."

While doing a quick image search, I found this ear picture. I must say, some people have other alternative outlooks when it comes to ear problems. By looking at the image below, it appears that having a "naked ear" would be a problem... Now that's what I call a styling set of ornamental ears! Ha-ha! Cheers!

[ Image Source: ]

---End of Post

Friday, April 22, 2011

Is Prostate Cancer Screening a Scam?

Mike Adams discusses the 20-year study that concludes it has no benefit, except to the cancer industry.
Don't let anyone from the cancer industry lie to you about PSA screening: The test is completely bogus and offers zero improvement in your lifespan. That's the conclusion from a 20-year study that followed over 9,000 men. After 20 years of follow-up, guess what the results were? No significant difference in the rate of death between those screened for prostate cancer versus those who weren't.

In other words, prostate cancer screening is really a bogus test used to exploit men's fear and recruit them into unnecessary and potentially harmful cancer treatments. That's why the cancer industry uses the PSA test, of course: It's a powerful recruiting tool! It scares men into agreeing to expensive, high-profit treatments which are then billed to their insurance companies, Medicaid or Medicare. (Gee, no wonder our health care system is bankrupting the nation...) Read more

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Soy Linked to Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction

Soy and soy products have been heavily promoted as being good for you. While soy may be good for the farmers who grow it, and the manufacturers who make soy products from it, eating it has been linked to type-1 diabetes and erectile dysfunction.
Over the past few years, soy has been hailed as a miracle health food. Unfortunately, the complete opposite is true. Soy has been linked to a myriad of health conditions such as infantile leukaemia, various forms of cancer, type-1 diabetes, malnutrition, thyroid dysfunction and even erectile dysfunction.

Research has shown that babies who have been fed soy-based formulas were at higher risk for developing type-1 diabetes and thyroid disease later in life. Soy-based formulas also contain up to 1000 times more aluminium than non soy-based formulas.

Soy contains a large amount of anti-nutrients (otherwise known as toxins). Read more

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hardcore Calisthenics

Sometimes, weight trainers dismiss bodyweight exercises, aka calisthenics, as "too easy," which only shows how little they know. Check out these hardcore calisthenics if you want to build functional fitness into your workout routine.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Are Parasites Causing Your Health Problems?

Parasites may be the cause of many mysterious health problems, says Margaret Durst.
After last week’s article on cleansing, I thought it would be a good time to bring up parasites – the thought of which makes most of us queasy. In spite of that, they are an often overlooked cause of certain health problems today.

Parasites are actually very common in nature and more common in humans than we would like to think. Approximately one half of the population of the world carries at least one form of parasite. If you add yeast/fungus (another form of parasite) to that, it includes almost the entire world population.

Having good hygiene does not exempt us from parasites. In fact, our diet of refined foods tends to weaken our immune systems and make us more susceptible to parasitic infection. Remember, parasites are scavengers and poor diets (lots of white sugar and white flour products) give these critters plenty to scavenge.

Parasites are not just found in our intestinal tracts. They can infest any body part such as the lungs, the liver, the muscles and joints, the brain, the blood, the skin and even the eyes. Read more

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Vitamin D Could Help Elderly Protect Eyesight

Increasing vitamin D intake could significantly lower the risk of developing the leading cause of blindness, research suggests.
A study of older women found that those who had the highest levels of the vitamin, found in oily fish and eggs as well as dietary supplement pills, were nearly 60 per cent less likely to contract age-related macular degeneration.

Scientists believe it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent the incurable condition by stopping the eyes being damaged.

Their research indicates that taking in more Vitamin D through food or tablets, rather than sunlight, can help protect against developing AMD. Read more

Monday, April 11, 2011

How to Learn Ejaculatory Control

Betty Dodson says that by practicing conscious masturbation, you can "master" ejaculatory control. For more remedies for premature ejaculation, see my posts Exercise for Ejaculatory Control and Two Tantric Techniques for Ejaculatory Control.

Friday, April 8, 2011

High Fructose Corn Syrup Increases Abdominal Fat and Insulin Resistance

A recent ad campaign has tried to portray high fructose corn syrup as no different than white sugar. However, the claim is false.
A new study from Princeton University found that significant weight gain occurred by merely adding high fructose corn syrup to the diet. Subjects in the test group gained 48% more weight than those who were not given any high fructose corn syrup. Companies with financial ties to the industry have fought back against current scientific research with a very effective, yet deceptive, advertising campaign. Despite industry ad campaigns, research continues to show high fructose corn syrup to be a health damaging substance. Read more

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cinnamon for Diabetes? A Half Teaspoon a Day Is All It Takes

Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses how a half teaspoon a day of cinnamon can help prevent or manage diabetes..
Researchers have been investigating a number of powerful natural agents that can help you stabilize your blood sugar, and once again, cinnamon has proven itself as a viable contender in the fight against diabetes, as the study in Diabetic Medicine reveals.(1)

One of cinnamon's most impressive health benefits is its ability to improve blood glucose control.

For example, just half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day has previously been shown to significantly reduce blood sugar levels, triglycerides, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and total cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes. (2)

The more you can make use of natural therapies such as nutrition and exercise, the better your health will be.

However, as helpful as supplements like cinnamon can be, they should not be misconstrued as cures. They are not substitutes for proper diet and lifestyle choices. You cannot properly address your diabetes if you still maintain a sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary choices -- cinnamon supplementation or not! Read more