Wednesday, March 23, 2016

[HealthFitness] Creating a culture of health at the University of Louisville

HealthFitness has posted a new item, 'Creating a culture of health at the
University of Louisville'

If you're looking to instill a culture of health at your organization, a
crucial first step is making a lasting change. But that first requires
acknowledging that you have a challenge, and then taking action.

Our client, University of Louisville (UofL), started its employee wellness
program as a health care cost containment strategy. Like many large [...]

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

[HealthFitness] 5 ways to help employees fit fiber into their day

HealthFitness has posted a new item, '5 ways to help employees fit fiber into
their day'

The average American eats about 16 grams of fiber each day. This is considerably
well below the Institute of Medicine's recommended daily consumption of

For women:

25 grams per day for ages 19-50
21 grams for ages 51 and older

For men:

38 grams per day for ages 19-50
30 grams per day for ages 51 and older

Your employees may [...]

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

[HealthFitness] 5 ways to help employees fit fiber into their day

HealthFitness has posted a new item, '5 ways to help employees fit fiber into
their day'

The average American eats about 16 grams of fiber each day. This is considerably
well below the Institute of Medicine's recommended daily consumption of

For women:

25 grams per day for ages 19-50
21 grams for ages 51 and older

For men:

38 grams per day for ages 19-50
30 grams per day for ages 51 and older

Your employees may [...]

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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

[HealthFitness] The value of on-site health screenings

HealthFitness has posted a new item, 'The value of on-site health screenings'

When properly integrated with a corporate wellness plan, research shows that
biometric screenings can help reduce health risks, improve health status, reduce
health care costs, and improve workplace productivity and performance.

Seventy-four percent of employers now include a biometric screening as part of
their workplace wellness program and this number is likely to rise as more

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Monday, March 7, 2016

[HealthFitness] The value of on-site health screenings

HealthFitness has posted a new item, 'The value of on-site health screenings'

When properly integrated with a corporate wellness plan, research shows that
biometric screenings can help reduce health risks, improve health status, reduce
health care costs, and improve workplace productivity and performance.

Seventy-four percent of employers now include a biometric screening as part of
their workplace wellness program and this number is likely to rise as more

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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

[HealthFitness] Igniting worksite wellness with strategic communications

HealthFitness has posted a new item, 'Igniting worksite wellness with strategic

A recent study confirmed what we've been observing firsthand for quite some
time—that corporate wellness programs are most effective in companies that
develop a consistent, all-inclusive culture of health and a clear communications

The study, "Promoting Healthy Workplaces by Building Cultures of Health and
Applying Strategic Communications," published in the February edition of the
Journal [...]

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