Friday, February 28, 2014

10 Reasons to Love Salt

Ignore the mainstream medical propaganda on salt, says Paul Fassa.
The accepted dogma on salt is that very little should be consumed or a higher potential for heart attacks and strokes will follow from high blood pressure. But researchers from holistic health circles, including some independent MDs such as Dr. Brownstein, have embraced pure unrefined sea salt as vital for good health. The taboo on salt has been challenged. Despite its tenure in the archives of modern medicine dogma, this taboo is cracking. Read more

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How to Go Gluten-Free Without Going Broke

Gluten-free products have become a huge profit center for Big Food, but Daisy Luther reveals how to go gluten-free without going broke.
According to some experts, wheat is more like the staff of death than the staff of life these days. Due to genetic modifications of wheat over the past century (go HERE to learn how scientists “fixed” wheat during the 60s), the grain that appears in nearly every meal in America seems to be causing serious health concerns, particularly inflammation and autoimmune issues.

The problem is, gluten-free food is a billion dollar industry, and at the prices Big Food is charging for these specialty items, it’s easy to see how fast the bills can rack up. Read more

Monday, February 24, 2014

Think You Need Testosterone Therapy?

Testosterone therapy is over-prescribed, says Joseph Mercola, and there are safer natural alternatives.
The male sex hormone testosterone plays many roles in men’s health. Besides affecting your sex drive, it also helps maintain muscle mass, bone density, red blood cells, and a general sense of well-being.

Beginning around age 30, a man’s testosterone levels begin to decline, and continue to do so as time goes on—unless you proactively address your lifestyle. Symptoms of declining testosterone levels can include: Read more

Friday, February 21, 2014

Is Gluten-Free a Fad, or Is Modern Wheat Really Toxic?

The mainstream media is conducting an all-out assault on the gluten-free diet. Daisy Luther explores whether gluten-free is a fad, or is modern wheat really toxic?
If you shop in the health food section of the grocery store or read the foodie blogs, you may have noticed a trend over the past couple of years: gluten intolerance seems to be on the rise.

Kristen Michaelis explains this intolerance very clearly on the website Food Renegade: Read more

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

4 Exercises You Can Do in Bed

If you hate to get up to exercise, Vanessa Voltolina describes four exercises you can do in bed.
OK, so maybe that 7 a.m. spin class just isn’t happening today. Maybe you want to spend more time sleeping -- or maybe your partner wants to do something else under the covers. Whatever the case, don't sweat it. Your bed isn’t just for snoozing. Yep, that’s right: There are some gentle (yet tough!) exercises that you can do each morning to start your day off right. Read more

Friday, February 14, 2014

Water Fluoridation: A U.S. Public Health Disaster

Water fluoridation has been a U.S. public health disaster, says David Brownstein, MD.
In 2014, Israel will end the process of fluoridating water. Israel will join most of the other wealthy Western countries in not adding fluoride to the public water supply. In fact, over 97% of the population of Europe lives in a non-fluoridated area.

Why is Israel stopping the process of fluoridation of the water supply? The answer is simple: The Israeli health ministry realizes that there is no data that adding fluoride to the water supply has any health benefit and they understand that water fluoridation is harmful. Read more

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Pushup That Sculpts Rock-Solid Shoulders

Boost your upper-body strength and get shoulders like boulders with this easier variation of the handstand push-up..
The handstand pushup is the gold standard of pushups. If you can perform even one rep, you've got an extreme amount of upper-body strength and shoulder mobility. Plus, you look like a total badass. Read more

Monday, February 10, 2014

3 Dietary Supplements Almost Everyone Needs

No matter how hard you try to eat a nutritious diet, researchers say that there are three dietary supplements almost everyone needs to take for optimal health.
Researchers say there are three crucial nutrients that are most important when considering supplements.

“As long as you eat a well-rounded diet, you need to add only a few key nutrients to ensure good health and prevent disease,” David Katz, M.D., director of the Yale Prevention Research Center tells Newsmax Health. “The key is to include a variety of plant-based foods in your diet and choosing wholesome, minimally processed foods overall. In general, based on science and my practice, I recommend only three supplements to almost everyone: vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and calcium. Read more

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt

Salt has been demonized by mainstream medicine, but salt is an essential nutrient, says Michael Ravensthorpe. However, not all salts are equal.
Salt is an essential nutrient that our bodies require for transporting nutrients into and out of our cells, regulating blood pressure, exchanging ions, and much more. However, not all salts are equal. Table salt, which has been stripped of all its minerals except sodium and chloride, for instance, will not have the same positive biological impact upon our bodies as pure, unrefined salt that boasts a robust mineral profile.

One of the most nutritious and “complete” salts we can purchase today is Himalayan salt, a salt that has been formed over millions of years in the Himalayas and which contains so many macrominerals and trace minerals that it is actually pink in color. In this article, you’ll learn more about the health benefits of Himalayan salt and how it can help transform even the blandest of meals into a powerhouse of nutrition. Read more

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Vitamins That work

Don’t waste your money and health on synthetic vitamins, says Margaret Durst.
Vitamins and other supplements need to work. I find that some very basic nutritional supplements help almost everybody.

A good multivitamin is the first basic. What makes a multivitamin good is the quality of the contents along with the technology used to encapsulate or tablet the contents. Read more

Monday, February 3, 2014

Ketogenic Diet Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Numerous Aging Markers

The ketogenic diet can turn you into a fat-burning machine and slow aging to a crawl, says Joseph Mercola.
We are just beginning to understand the biological intricacies of aging. A growing body of research is challenging the belief that aging is beyond your control, prompting scientists to begin thinking about ways we can slow our aging clocks to a slow crawl.

Although this is a relatively new branch of science, there are some factors that appear to be key in controlling how quickly you age. One major factor seems to be insulin signaling and the metabolic “engines” you have running day to day, which are largely controlled by the foods you eat. Read more