Friday, February 27, 2015

The Right Way to Train Your Core

If you're going to put in the time and effort, you may as well get the best results. Here's the right way to train your core.
There’s a lot of misinformation out there on how to best train your abs. Take a look at any late-night infomercials for a prime example; you’ll see no shortage of ab machines that guarantee ripped, 12-pack results — and most often with nonfunctional movements demonstrated by models who have clearly been doing more than crunching or twisting on a machine. Read more

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Smoking Marijuana 114 Times Safer Than Drinking Alchohol

Marijuana prohibition was never about health. It has always been about control and profit.
As the debate over marijuana legalization continues in the United States, a new study suggests that smoking the controversial plant is about 114 times safer than drinking alcohol.
In fact, alcohol was found to be the deadliest drug on an individual level, at least when it comes to the likelihood of a person dying due to consuming a lethal dose. Heroin and cocaine were the next most deadly substances, followed by tobacco, ecstasy, and meth. Trailing up the rear was marijuana. Read more

Monday, February 23, 2015

8 Heaalth Benefits of Drinking Coffee

It hasn't been that long ago that drinking coffee was supposed to be bad for you.
If you’ve been wondering what all that coffee is doing to you, cheer up. A recent review of data completed at Gill Heart Institute in Kentucky focused on the cardiovascular, genetic, antioxidant and caffeine effects of coffee and found that drinking the brew reduces the risk of mortality right across the board. They also documented that coffee: Read more

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Can Standing on One Leg Help Keep You Young?

Your ability to balance is an indicator of brain health. Learn some balance exercises that can help keep you young.
How good is your balance? Can you stand on one leg for 20 seconds? What about for a whole minute - or with your eyes closed?

It's something you might not have given much thought to before, but how well you can balance offers an insight into your general health.

A study published in the journal Stroke found that being unable to stand on one leg for more than 20 seconds was linked to an increased risk of 'silent' stroke - tiny bleeds in the brain that don't cause symptoms, but which raise the risk of both full-blown stroke and dementia. Read more

Monday, February 16, 2015

Natural Penis Enlargement: 3 Tips to Accelerate Growth

If you are following a natural penis enlargement program, it's natural to want to get results as quickly as possible. The first thing to do in order to get fast results is to follow the program carefully. Doing the exercises incorrectly, or not doing the recommended amount of exercise will slow down or even eliminate penis growth. After making certain that you're following your program carefully, there are several things you can do to boost your results even more.

1) Raise your testosterone levels..

Testosterone is a hormone associated with sex drive and sperm production. It causes the penis to grow to adult size during puberty. If your testosterone level is low, your penis enlargement program will not be as effective. The best way to increase testosterone levels is through diet and exercise, not pharmaceuticals.

The basic diet to increase testosterone levels is high-fat, moderate protein, and low-carb. The Paleo diet and the Atkins diet are examples of this type of diet although there are many variations. Certain foods also aid in penis growth. For exercise, either lifting weights or bodyweight exercises can be used. Concentrate on compound lifts, such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. If you prefer bodyweight exercises, do pull-ups, push-ups, squats, and dips. Adding sprints to your exercise program can also help. Excessive aerobic exercises, such as distance running, should be avoided.

2) Get enough sleep.

Your diet and exercise program will be less effective at increasing testosterone if you're not getting enough sleep. The body makes nearly all the testosterone it needs for the day during sleep. That increased level of testosterone that we experience at night is one of the reasons men wake up with an erection. In fact, if you don’t have a morning erection on a consistent basis, you might have low testosterone. Many people today are sleep deprived, which may be a contributing factor to declining testosterone levels in men. If you are trying to enlarge your penis without getting enough sleep, you are definitely hurting your results..

3) Add Kegel exercises.

Most good penis enlargement programs include Kegel exercises, but some men don't do them because they don't directly enlarge the penis. What Kegels do is tone the pelvic floor muscles and improve blood flow to the area. This is why they help with problems such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Since increased blood flow is what causes the penis to become erect, Kegel exercises are necessary for an effective penis enlargement program. If you have been neglecting Kegel exercises, you should add them right away if you want optimum results.

Your penis enlargement program will probably work to some degree without doing any of these things because the exercises are quite effective. However, they can help you get better and faster results for your time and effort. As a bonus, you will not only end up with a larger penis, but also a healthier body overall.

Does having a small penis make you feel like less of a man? Imagine... in just 2-3 months from now you could have a longer and thicker penis - and the "Big Man" confidence that goes with it. To learn how to increase the size of your penis up to 2-4" in length and up to 1" in girth, click here!

Friday, February 13, 2015

6 Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing

Dry skin brushing is a simple way to rejuvenate your body, says Edward Group.
Dry skin brushing is a beauty and health practice that is quickly growing in popularity. The Internet abounds with blogs, articles, and videos dedicated to this topic, and each point of reference regards it as a simple way to support good health. While dry skin brushing won’t be the magic bullet for any ailment or health worry, it can be a great way to support skin health, circulation, and relaxation. Read more

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

5 Easy Tips to Improve Sleep

PF Louis gives five easy tips to improve your sleep.
Sleep consumes around one-third of our lives. At least it should if you wish to be healthy with a strong immune system. But sleep is not just time in bed. The quality of sleep is very important.

Studies at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Miami Beach, Florida, and Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida, used brain wave analysis to determine the five stages of sleep and their relative importance.

The five stages cycle through every one to two hours, not over the eight or so hours one sleeps as commonly understood. Two of them are vital for recharging the immune system, and one is vital for unwinding unwanted emotions. Read more

Monday, February 9, 2015

The 3 Most Common Intermittent Fasting Mistakes

Intermittent fasting is an effective way to improve digestion, lose weight, and gain lean muscle, but there are three mistakes that many people run into when trying to get results with intermittent fasting:

Friday, February 6, 2015

The High-Fat Diet: Lose Weight Fast Without Feeling Hungry

Want to lose ten pounds in two weeks and never feel hungry? Eat plenty of FAT and exercise for just 12 minutes a day, says nutritionist and personal trainer Zana Morris.
Are you desperate to lose weight but constantly hungry when dieting?

Does the thought of going to the gym fill you with dread?

A new diet promises to avoid all of this – while allowing you to eat foods traditionally banned on weight loss plans.

Called The High Fat Diet, it claims to facilitate up to 10lb of weight loss in just 14 days. Read more

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Bone Broth Could Keep You Young and Healthy

Bone broth may be trendy, but don't dismiss it for that reason. It's actually very nutritious.
The most surprising thing about New York Fashion Week this year wasn't what the models were wearing, but what they were drinking. The elixir on every fashionista's lips was bone broth, which is being sold by the cup from a hip new Manhattan shop.

Aficionados claim that it is rich in amino acids - the building blocks of protein - calcium and collagen, and that drinking it will do everything from warding off illnesses to curing joint pain, and giving you healthy skin, nails and hair. Read more

Brain Foods to Feel Good

Margaret reveals what food to eat to feel good.
Our BRAIN requires amino acids to make neurotransmitters which regulate our brain power, our memory and our mood. What we eat has a tremendous effect on our levels of neurotransmitters and therefore on mood. Stress and nutritional deficiencies alter our brain chemistries and are common precursors to many illnesses and disorders including anxiety and depression. Read more

Monday, February 2, 2015

4 Premature Ejaculation Remedies to Avoid

Dealing with the problem of premature ejaculation can be embarrassing and frustrating. People have all sorts of ideas about what men can do to last longer in bed. As you might expect, the results are mixed. Many men understandably resort to supposed quick fixes, but the following tricks and techniques don't work and are a waste of money.

1) The Football Technique

This is a classic technique in which you are supposed to focus your mind elsewhere by thinking of your favorite sport while you are having intercourse. Distracting the mind is supposed to delay the ejaculation. This technique can work to some degree, but your partner may sense that you are distracted and wonder what is wrong. Besides that, this technique takes the fun out of having sex.

2) Desensitizing Creams

Desensitizing creams numb the penis. You apply the cream to your penis and then you can't feel anything. This method may not only delay ejaculation, it also may prevent ejaculation from happening at all. What's the point of having sex if you don't feel anything or have an orgasm?

3) Condoms:

Condoms are effective for preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease, but not so much as a premature ejaculation treatment. Condoms do seduce sensation somewhat, but usually not enough to significantly affect ejaculation because men wouldn't use them if they did. Again, what's the point of having sex without sensation anyway?

4) Pills

Pills for premature ejaculation range from exotic herbal formulas that promise staying power to anti-depressants that claim to prevent premature ejaculation. While herbal remedies may help to strengthen the reproductive system, they don't directly prevent premature ejaculation. Anti-depressants have a plethora of side effects, such as erectile dysfunction, which is even worse than premature ejaculation.

What most of these quick fixes have in common is attempting to delay ejaculation by reducing sensation. It's true that if you reduce sensation enough, you will delay or even eliminate ejaculation, but what kind of solution is that? Instead of resorting to quick fixes, why not try to learn how to take control of the situation, so you can fully enjoy intercourse while still satisfying your partner?

Are you sick and tired of the frustration and embarrassment of finishing way too soon? Finally, you can end the "personal hell of premature ejaculation forever! To discover how you can last 15-45 minutes longer in bed tonight, click here!