Tuesday, August 18, 2015

[HealthFitness] 4 ways to help employees boost financial well-being

HealthFitness has posted a new item, '4 ways to help employees boost financial

In today's business landscape, employers recognize the need to engage
employees from a whole-person view of health. They understand that employee
well-being extends beyond physical health and includes social, emotional,
financial and environmental dimensions.

Employers offering wellness programs that address all dimensions of employee
health can boost employee engagement by making healthy actions possible for more

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Monday, August 10, 2015

[HealthFitness] Why typical tactics to improve employee eating don’t work

HealthFitness has posted a new item, 'Why typical tactics to improve employee
eating don't work'

At a recent corporate wellness conference, I listened to an industry expert
remark how so many consumers are in a relentless search for the elusive magic
bullet with nutrition to feel better and lose weight.

Through worksite wellness programs, I see this time and time again. Simply
stated, many employees are confused and misinformed about nutrition. [...]

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

[HealthFitness] How to break down barriers to health management engagement

HealthFitness has posted a new item, 'How to break down barriers to health
management engagement'

Participation is an essential part of any health management program's success.
But participant engagement—emotional involvement or commitment in
programs—varies widely across employer populations and program types.

Here are four common barriers to health management engagement and possible
solutions for overcoming them:

Barrier 1: Employees don't know about your wellness program

Solution: Recruit a wellness champion network
We will work [...]

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