Saturday, December 22, 2012

Excessive Cardio May Do More Harm Than Good

Joseph Mercola reveals the health dangers of too much cardio exercise. More is definitely not better.
... In the TED talk above, Dr. James O'Keefe, a research cardiologist and a former elite athlete, discusses an important point that can be difficult for some to accept, namely the fact that extreme cardio can actually do more harm than good...

I am about two years older than Dr. O'Keefe and had a similar running history. Dr. O'Keefe actually won the largest sprint distance triathlon in Kansas City five years in a row, from 1999 to 20041 . Although I was never an elite athlete like Dr. O'Keefe, I had run a 2:50 marathon previously. It is satisfying to hear Dr. O'Keefe validate what I have been writing about for years now. I suspect we both wised up and stopped running at about the same age, after many decades of intense endurance training.

The myth that extreme endurance cardio is good for your heart took off at full speed when, in 1977, Dr. Thomas Bassler boldly proclaimed that "completing a marathon confers immunity against heart attack." Many die-hard runners still believe this to be true. Read more

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

We Need Cholesterol and CoQ10

Margaret Durst explains why we need cholesterol and CoQ10.
At least 12 million Americans take a prescription statin drug. These include Lipitor, Zocor, Mevacor and Pravachol. There is even a natural statin available at health food stores that is very popular now – this is Red Yeast Rice.

Before banning cholesterol, consider its beneficial functions in the body. These include production of hormones for balancing blood sugar levels, for regulating mineral levels, and for promoting healing and balancing the tendency towards inflammation. Cholesterol is vital to proper nerve function. It plays a key role in the formation of memory and the uptake of hormones in the brain, including serotonin, the body’s feel-good chemical. Cholesterol is the precursor to vitamin D and bile salts used for the digestion of fats. It is also an important component of cell membranes which help differentiate the inside of cells from the outside of cells. Cholesterol is also the body’s repair substance – scar tissue contains high levels of cholesterol.

It’s important to understand why the body makes cholesterol and what situations actually cause excess cholesterol or the wrong ratios of the good and the bad cholesterols. Read more

Monday, December 17, 2012

10 Natural Ways to Reverse Hair Loss

Most men and many women lose hair as they age and want it to regrow it. Losing your hair can cause you to lose your confidence as well since your hair greatly affects your appearance.That’s why numerous products are sold to help reverse hair loss. Each year, millions of people consult their doctors or pharmacists for the magic cure to help reverse hair loss,. but hair growth chemicals don’t always work as well as some natural remedies.

 Here are ten natural ways to reverse hair loss.

1) Apply a few drops of almond oil to your hair every day.

2) Mix coconut oil with avocado and spread on your hair. This combination eliminates flaking and gives your hair a healthy boost to help reverse hair loss.

3) Simmer hibiscus flowers in coconut oil and spread on your hair to condition it. Rinse lightly and style as usual.

1) Massage coconut milk into your scalp, leave on for 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Repeat three times per week until your hair loss decreases and healthy hair grows in.

5) Mix two tablespoons of amla (Indian gooseberry), reetha (from the soapnut tree), and shikakai, which comes from a shrub native to India. Add an egg and form a paste. Apply on scalp and massage throughout your hair. Let sit for 25-30 minutes and then rinse and cleanse with a mild shampoo. Try this three times per week for one month to help hair reverse hair.

6) Fo-ti. Also known as He shou wu (Chinese for “black-haired Mr. He”), this herb has been consumed as tea or in herbal medications to help increase hair growth and reduce hair loss.

7) Ginseng. This Chinese herbal medicine is said to rejuvenate the scalp, increase blood flow, and help reverse hair loss.

8) Gotu kola. This herb is available in at many health food stores and can stimulate hair growth.

9) Saw palmetto has been used to treat hair loss for decades. It is the primary active ingredient found in the vast majority of natural hair loss remedies and can help reverse hair loss.

10) Stinging nettle, one of the most common herbs used in traditional folk medicine, is said to help reverse hair los.

All of these natural remedies can help reverse hair loss. They’re easy to use and could make a difference in your rate of hair growth in just a few short months.

In 17 days or less, you can stop your hair loss with a revolutionary lotion that is cheap and easy to prepare. The lotion consists of three herbs easy to find anywhere and two items found in your local pharmacy. To get the formula to stop your hair loss, click here!

Friday, December 14, 2012

44 Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

With its long shelf life, coconut oil is a prepper's panacea, says Daisy Luther. You don't have to be a prepper to enjoy its 44 health benefits though.
What shelf stable item can be used (nutritiously) in place of butter, shortening, and cooking oil, and then pressed into duty as a health and beauty aid?

Coconut oil!

One of my favorite pantry items is my big jar of organic virgin coconut oil, and the crazy thing is, I don't even like coconuts. If you slip me a cookie that has those nasty little flakes of coconut in them, I'll probably spit it out – I really, emphatically don't like coconut! I am stressing this point because coconut oil has a place in the kitchen of even the most die-hard coconut hater (like me!). Read more

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Feds Keeping People Sick: The Vitamin D Story

Dr. Lee Hieb reveals how the federal government is keeping people sick by concealing the benefits of high doses of vitamin D.
No one said it better than Michael Crichton – who, in addition to being a best selling author, was also a physician.

During a lecture at Cal Tech, he said, “Let’s be clear: The work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right. … The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.” Read more

Monday, December 10, 2012

3 Large Meals a Day Healthier Than Many Small Meals

Eating three large meals per day might be the healthiest choice for people struggling with their weight, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Missouri and published in the journal Obesity.

One of the more ridiculous dietary fads of recent years is eating 5-6 small meals a day instead of the traditional three. David Gutierrez explains why eating the way your ancestors ate is better than following a dietary system invented by the manufacturers of protein shakes and bars.
With obesity rates having doubled worldwide since 1980 and still on the rise, health researchers are continually searching for ways to help people keep or regain healthier weights. Obesity is strongly linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, Type II diabetes, various types of cancer, and early death, and has also been implicated in an increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. More than one-third of all people in the United States are now classified as obese.

Yet, much popular dietary advice - even that promoted by health professionals - has not necessarily been scientifically tested for accuracy, or for its applicability to people who are already obese.

"The mass media and many health care practitioners often advocate eating several small meals throughout the day," lead author Tim Heden said. "However, when we examined the literature, we didn't find many studies examining or supporting this popular claim. This lack of research led to our study, which is one of the first to examine how meal frequency affects insulin and blood-fat levels in obese women during an entire day of eating." Read more

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sleeping an Extra Hour Every Night Lowers Blood Pressure

Researchers found people showing early signs of high blood pressure could restore readings to healthy levels by sleeping an extra hour every night
Going to bed an hour earlier than usual could help to ward off high blood pressure, according to a new study.

Researchers found people who were showing the early signs of high blood pressure were able to restore readings to healthy levels in just six weeks if they had an extra hour in bed every night.

The study, carried out at Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA, looked at men and women who regularly slept for only seven hours or less a night and were beginning to have borderline high blood pressure readings. Read more

Monday, December 3, 2012

Reverse Hair Loss with Home Remedies

Nobody likes the idea of going bald, but it's something that affects a lot of men as well as some women.  If you're suffering from situational baldness or male/female pattern baldness, you may laugh about it among your friends. Chances are, however, that you're crying about it in privacy. Fortunately, there are several proven home remedies to reverse hair loss and the personal embarrassment that results from it. Best of all, you probably have the ingredients at home already.

How do you feel about onions?  Did you even stop to consider that the same food you put on your hamburger could also help you to regrow a bit of hair? Most people are not huge fans of onions, but the benefits to your scalp are potentially huge.  Taking a piece of onion and rubbing it over the bald part of your head until it is slightly red, and then applying honey for a short period has been shown to help improve the circulation of the scalp and in turn improve hair growth.

Another popular choice is coconut milk and aloe vera gel.  By mixing together equal parts of the gel and coconut milk, you will have a paste that you can use to spread onto your scalp to help stimulate the hair follicles to regrow hair.  It is very important that you leave the paste on for at least thirty minutes each time and do this a minimum of three times each week.  After a couple of weeks, you should begin to notice some very small hairs regrowing.

Everyone knows that apple cider vinegar is a truly remarkable natural remedy.  This can also be used to reverse hair loss as well.   Add equal parts of the apple cider vinegar to a bit of sage tea and use it to rinse out the hair.  This will help to also stimulate the hair follicles and help you to regrow hair.

If you do not see any noticeable improvements after a few months, try not to give up hope.  There are several reasons why you might not see immediate results. This can range from a bad diet, to stress, to even problems with your overall health.  Check with your doctor to ensure that you are not experiencing any serious medical problems that could be affecting your hair growth.

In 17 days or less, you can stop your hair loss with a revolutionary lotion that is cheap and easy to prepare. The lotion consists of three herbs easy to find anywhere and two items found in your local pharmacy. To get the formula to stop your hair loss, click here!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Overcoming Premature Ejaculation: 5 Natural Solutions

In survey after survey, men rate premature ejaculation as one of their top two sexual concerns (the other being penis size). When a man is troubled by premature ejaculation, a couple's sex life can be extremely frustrating for both partners, and often leads to couples ceasing having sex altogether and sometimes even to the end of the relationship entirely. Yet, premature ejaculation can often be overcome without going to a doctor or psychotherapist. Here are five natural solutions that can be helpful in overcoming premature ejaculation.

1) Condoms

 Condoms are an effective way to reduce sensitivity of the penis and to help prevent premature ejaculation. Reduced sensitivity with condoms is usually considered a negative, but it can be an positive for men prone to premature ejaculation.

2) Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises are beneficial in overcoming premature ejaculation because they exercise the muscles responsible for controlling your ejaculation. My post Exercise for Harder Erections outlines a program of Kegel exercises.

3) Sex techniques

There are several sex techniques that are are effective in overcoming premature ejaculation. One is the Stop and Start Technique. When you’re having sex and believe ejaculation is imminent, stop and allow the urge to ejaculate subside completely before continuing again. Another technique used in overcoming premature is the Squeeze Technique, in which you or your partner firmly squeeze the head of the penis to stop premature ejaculation.

4) Relaxation techniques and deep breathing

Overcoming premature ejaculation may be as simple as finding a good relaxation technique since one of the major causes of premature ejaculation is anxiety. Progressive relaxation or deep breathing exercises can help you relieve tension and relax. My post Cure Premature Ejaculation Naturally with Triangular Breathing describes one breathing exercise you can try.

5) Self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is another technique used in overcoming premature ejaculation. Because anxiety about sexual performance can lead to premature ejaculation, self-hypnosis is one way to address this issues. Self-hypnosis is also a good way to help you relax which is also needed in dealing with this sexual dysfunction.

There is no reason to use just one solution at a time when trying to overcome premature ejaculation. Combining two or more solutions will often lead to better results. In this case, more is better.  Also, don't give up just because a chronic problem doesn't go away the first time you try a solution. Try again or try a different solution. Sometimes, patience and persistence are needed to cure long-standing problems.

Are you sick and tired of the frustration and embarrassment of finishing way too soon? Finally, you can end the "personal hell of premature ejaculation forever! To discover how you can last 15-45 minutes longer in bed tonight, click here!

Monday, November 26, 2012

10 Foods That Detox the Body

You don't necessarily have to go on a fast to detox your body. Edward Groups lists ten foods which promote detoxification that can easily be incorporated into your diet.
There are many techniques you can follow and supplements you can take to detox your body. One in particular is to eat detoxifying foods.
Here is a list of detox foods that are a great addition to everybody’s diet.
1. Fruits
Fruits are high in liquid-content, helping the body wash out toxins. They are also very easy to digest and are high in antioxidants, nutrients, fiber and important vitamins. Read more

Friday, November 23, 2012

Abdominal Obesity, High Blood Sugar, High Blood Pressure? Eat Nuts

Abdominal obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure? Eat nuts, says Edward Group.
Nuts are an amazing, convenient source of essential fatty acids and proteins. They also hold an equally enjoyable handful of benefits for people with abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar.
The Research
Findings presented by medical researchers with the University of Toronto Department of Nutritional Sciences, and St. Michael’s Hospital, suggest that if eaten daily, a small amount of tree nuts could ward-off certain serious health conditions, including type 2 diabetes. By investigating the effects of a relatively nut-rich diet in patients already diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, Dr. David Jenkins, lead author of the Canadian study, and his colleagues, were able to document measurable improvements in both glycemic and serum lipid control. Both standard indicators used to gauge day-to-day blood serum level status in diabetic patients. Read more

Monday, November 19, 2012

Calisthenics Kingz Push-up and Core Workout

Hit Richards, founder of Calisthenics Kingz, shows highlights from one of his daily workouts. In this workout, he shows variations of push-Ups and several core exercises.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Gargling Sugar Water Increases Self-Control

A new study has found that gargling sugar water improved focus and self-control in test subjects.
Sugar has had a lot of bad press lately, but a new study indicates that rinsing one’s mouth with sugar water improves a person’s focus and self-control. Sure, gargling sugar water hardly seems like the sort of thing you’d expect from a paragon of self-control, but one never sees a lazy hummingbird. Read more

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Meditation Could Slash Heart Attack and Stroke Risk

A new study has found that meditation could slash the risk of heart attack and stroke (and make you less angry)
Meditation helps reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack or a stroke, according to a new study.
Researchers found that Transcendental Meditation, made popular by the Beatles during the flower power era of the 1960s, could cut heart attack rates by half.
This type of meditation, which involves making a sound repeatedly, lowers death rates from heart attack and stroke. Read more

Friday, November 9, 2012

3 Reasons to Choose Natural Breast Enlargement over Surgery

If you are a woman considering breast enlargement surgery, Caitlin MacKenna says there are three reasons to choose natural breast enlargement over surgery.
Thousands of women are searching for a way to get larger breasts so that they can turn heads anywhere they go, but only a few actually know how to do so. Natural breast enlargement has become a popular topic among women wanting to boost their self-esteem and get the attention they deserve. Though natural breast enlargement has been increasing in popularity for the past few years, breast enlargement surgery is probably what many women think of first when it comes to breast enlargement.

If you are tired of having small breasts, there are three reasons to choose natural breast enlargement over surgery: Read more

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Amino Acids for Mood

Be alert, optimistic, calm, and resourceful. Margaret Durst reveals the amino acids that balance our brain's chemistry.
Amino Acids are critical to the formation and functioning of neurotransmitters which regulate the levels of our brain chemicals and are closely linked with mood. What we eat has a tremendous effect on our levels of neurotransmitters and therefore on our mood. Stress and nutritional deficiencies alter our brain chemistries and are common precursors to many illnesses and disorders including depression.
Brain chemicals associated with our mood include serotonin, catecholemine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and endorphin. When in balance, these neurotransmitters help us in being alert, optimistic, calm and resourceful. A proper diet helps us to maintain a good balance; however imbalance can result from improper diet, poor digestion, stress, prescription drugs, and deficiencies or imbalances involving other nutrients. Read more

Monday, November 5, 2012

How to Get an Erection and Keep It Up as Long as You Want

Are you having a hard time trying to get an erection or keeping it up during sex? If you’re not really suffering from any medical conditions and still have a hard time keeping it hard, there are ways to get it up and keep it up when you need it most. If you are able to get an erection when you’re all alone, you’re definitely good to go down there and just need to learn to relax when you’re with a woman. Almost all the time, an erection is all in your head, and if it’s in your head, the following ten tips will definitely help you.

How to get an erection and keep it up as long as you want

1) Stop worrying about the last time. You may have had a hard time getting hard the last time, but guess what: this is not last time. You can’t expect sex to feel awesome every time. When you do have a dry spell, don’t let that bother you. Just indulge in foreplay, have fun, and stop thinking about what went wrong the last time.

2) Don’t concentrate on your penis. Instead, focus on satisfying and pleasuring your partner. When you spend too much time pondering over over how hard you are, you’d kill the fun, which will in turn kill your erection.

3) Don’t rush in. Foreplay always helps the man hold on longer. It may seem like a good idea to slip it in quickly as soon as you know it’s hard, and feel relieved that you were erect enough to penetrate her. Just don’t think about your erection until you have to penetrate her. When it’s time, you can rest assured that you’ll be ready. 

4) Don’t think only about penetration. Lovemaking isn’t all about putting it in her. If you want to get it hard and keep it hard, you need to learn to understand that lovemaking isn’t just about the act of penetration. When you put all the attention on penetration, it’s inevitable that you’ll end up putting a lot of pressure on yourself. Take time to please her in other ways and you’ll see how relaxed and sensual sex can be.

5) Be comfortable in bed. Don’t carry your own weight on your arms for too long when you’re on top of her. Stay relaxed and avoid any scenarios that bother you like sweating too much, overeating before sex, or having sex when you’re too tired.

6) Don’t change positions too often in bed. You may have heard that changing positions can be more fun, but by doing that, you’ll end up worrying too much about whether your penis will continue to stay erect during each penetration and end up feeling more stressed.

7) Get kinky. Share your secret fantasies with each other and act out some of them. Sometimes, all you need to get turned on is a whole new sexual experience!

8) Remember the good times. Think of the first time you and your woman had sex and talk about it in bed. There’s something so sexually exciting about first times that it’ll bring the excitement and sex appeal back instantly.

9) Don’t masturbate too often. Masturbation can be good to control the problem of premature ejaculation, but it’s not good if you want to keep it hard for a long time.

10) Avoid sex for a month. If nothing else works for you, this definitely should. Take sex out of the calendar for an entire month, and that includes even seeing each other naked. Instead, woo each other and arouse each other by going out often. Grind at parties, kiss in public, and make out with each other when you feel horny. By restricting sex for a while, you can bring the arousal and curiosity back into bed, and that will definitely help you keep an erection up for as long as you want.

Erectile dysfunction can destroy a relationship or complicate it if it’s a regular occurrence. Your partner will assume you don’t find her attractive anymore, your limp penis will leave you frustrated, and both of you will start getting annoyed with each other for no reason. However, there’s a way to go around this and make sure you get an erection and keep it for a long time. Just use the above ten tips on how to keep an erection up, and you will definitely see a difference in your sex life in a couple of weeks.

Men should not be afraid or ashamed of having erectile dysfunction because nowadays, they have many options that can help them beat or overcome erectile dysfunction. A breakthrough new method gives any man harder erections simply, naturally and without drugs! To stop erectile dysfunction and start having stiff, powerful erections tonight, Click Here!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Working Out your Lower Body to Build Bigger Arms?

This is not like most of the typical informative and/or physical fitness-related posts found within this health blog, as this particular subject would be better suited for a Q & A (questions and answers) section, albeit I decided to post it anyway.

The concept behind "working out your lower body to build bigger arms," is not that far-fetched of an idea, although I'm still undecided if it really matters that much.

Basically, in a thumbnail, many health & fitness gurus think that when trying to build a bigger upper body, you will actually benefit and increase muscle mass in other areas, if you work your lower body.  The reason for this, is that a lot of these people claim that your overall level of testosterone will be boosted due to pushing your body to create more total muscle mass and so on.

There is definitely some debate about this muscle displacement theory, and I'm yet to be convinced as I have seen it work in numerous ways for different folks.  I sort of relate this to the old concept that what works for some, may not work for others.  Some people, unless they are taking illegal steroids, growth hormones or natural testosterone boosters, will only reach a certain level of this muscle-building hormone - no matter what they do.  If you are working your lower and upper body out in an equal fashion, the amount of food, protein and time for your body to grow, will be spread out fairly evenly, in theory.  If total body workouts have the ability to boost the size of your chest, back or arms, then why are there people out there who ignore leg workouts and still have massive upper bodies accompanied with small legs?

On the flip side, if you seem to be stuck in progress or peaked out, adding different exercises to your workout regimen, may very well boost your gains in other areas.

Instead of me thoroughly giving my opinion about this concept, I would really like for others that have tried this method, to comment on this post.  Once again, this is more or less like a Q & A type of blog entry, so don't be shy...  Feel free to comment about what has or hasn't worked for you, when experimenting with this concept.  At any rate, good luck to anyone that tries to maintain their physical fitness levels - and try to stay motivated; cheers!

---End of Post "Working Out your Lower Body to Build Bigger Arms?

Random Blog Link:  "Body Opponent Heavy Bag - BOB"

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Popular Posts of 2012

I haven't updated this blog very much lately, although I still have a few posts that I meant to write on here a few months ago, but I either don't make the time or I'm busy writing on other websites, blogs and community writer sites, etc.

So, I figured I'd do a quick blog entry over the 5 most popular posts this blog has had during 2012.  It is really hard to narrow it down to 5, as it varies from month to month, but I'll give it a shot...

Fight Arthritis & Inflammation - Black Cherry Extract - Out of all the posts on this health & physical fitness blog, this is probably the most popular.  Many folks are curious about this black cherry supplement and, of course, many people are trying to combat their arthritis and inflammation issues, as well.

Natural ways to help fight symptoms of alcohol withdrawal... - This is another popular post on here, as many ex-alcoholics seem to be out there looking for natural ways to deal with their withdrawal symptoms of alcohol, instead of depending on drugs, which is always good to hear.

Weight Gainers & Protein Shakes - Since this particular blog entry has had so many spam comments (that I had to delete) over the months, I placed it on the list of most popular for 2012, even though, to me, it doesn't seem like a very hot topic.

Picking out the right Heavy bag / Speed bag Stand - I was pleased to see that a lot of individuals are still interested in "reading" about these things.  It really is important to pick out the right speed bag or heavy bag stand that is best suited for you and the area you are placing it.  Now, if I could just sell more of these dang things!

3 basic ways to use Hand Grippers - This is one post that I was somewhat surprised to get as much traffic as it has.  It seemed to be somewhat elementary to me, but evidently there are many folks out there who are curious about different ways to use hand grips.

Dang, I've already listed 5 popular posts...  There are many more that could have made the list, but I had to stop somewhere.  In the future, maybe I'll have time to write more health-related content on this Health & Fitness Blog.  In the mean time, enjoy the rest of the year; cheers!

---End of Post "Popular Posts of 2012"

Monday, October 22, 2012

Force Factor - Natural Testosterone Boosters

This post will briefly cover the Test X180 product from Force Factor along with the ingredients found within it, etc.

I'm sure that most males that have been involved in weightlifting, bodybuilding, physical fitness, etc., have heard about natural testosterone boosters.  Of course, some people decide to take a health risk and select anabolic steroids, growth hormones and so on, but the majority would prefer a natural method, I'm sure...

I have seen loads of bogus claims over the years, when concerning this subject, along with some debatable herbs that seem to work at times for some, yet they'll have side effects for many.  Although, to be truly natural, the meat & potato country diet with good ol' fashion heavy lifting, is hard to beat when trying to pack on muscle mass without the need for supplements, in my opinion.  However, this post isn't about traditional exercises and balanced diets, as we are talking about Force Factor - Test X180 - Premium Male Performance Supplement - Testosterone Booster.

To make a long story short, I ordered a trial bottle (14 capsules) of this stuff a while back, mainly because it was free (except for shipping).  It had been a while since I tried any new products and I was currently suffering from a transitory hiatus and/or on a temporary break from working out, so I thought it might motivate me to get back into physical fitness training.

Side note:  I prefer Korean Ginseng for performance supplements, so when I tried this product I would just substitute it for that, to see if there was any difference.

Anyway, I tried a pill or two every few days, and could notice a slight dilation in my blood vessels, a slight feeling of better blood flow to the surface of my skin (warmer feeling, etc.), but mainly what I noticed had nothing to do with working out, as this involved extra blood flow to my beloved male organ.  I didn't have any trouble before, but the extra boost was nice; ha!  So that's what they mean by male performance enhancer...

Now, my trial bottle was consumed and I figured I'd order from Force Factor later on, since money was kinda tight, but oh no...  Within days, I find a package in the mail and a bill for 70 dollars, for something I didn't order.   This bottle contained 60 capsules and was considered a month supply on auto-shipment, as if I'd be taking two capsules a day.  In my opinion, by what I have noticed, stuff like this the body gets used to, so you are better off taking it sporadically or here and there, not regularly, but opinions will vary...  Anyway, I was slightly angry, so I called the company and wanted to know why I am getting billed for something I didn't order and how I would like to order this Test X180 as I need it.
I got a long answer and how I was automatically enrolled in auto-shipment, blah, blah...

Well, after telling them I didn't want anymore bills from them, they lowered the price to 30 dollars a shipment and I got my future shipments delayed.  The point is, you may have to work out a deal with them, if you select the auto-ship method.  Enough rambling about the petty details, and lets get on with the ingredients found in this product...

Each capsule contains a daily value of 50% Vitamin D, 100% B6, and 167% B12, but many of you do not care about that, as it is the growth enhancement matrix, that is the most important, which contains:  Testofen, Siberian Ginseng, Panax Ginseng, Cordyceps sinensis, and Tribulus terrestris.

I'm not covering the properties of Ginseng on this post, as I have written about that on this blog before, here:  "Korean Ginseng Extract."
Scavenging the web for info about the other ingredients:

Testofen - is an extract of Fenugreek, which is a herb known to have more than a hundred phytochemical compounds. A way by which fenugreek seems to have gained its reputation as an aphrodisiac is probably because of its beneficial effect on the body’s circulatory system. Vitamins and minerals present in fenugreek serve to rev up blood circulation, a factor which is crucial for achieving and maintaining erection among men. Fenugreek also causes a significant increase to levels of testosterone within the body, allowing for enhanced sexual stamina and a boost in sexual desire.

Cordyceps sinensis - the Cordyceps mushrooms have a long history as medicinal fungi. The earliest clear record is a Tibetan medical text authored by Zurkhar Nyamnyi Dorje in the 15th Century outlining the tonic propensities of Yartsa gunbu (Cordyceps sinensis renamed now to Ophiocordyceps sinensis), especially as an aphrodisiac.  Although there are often-repeated claims of thousands of years of use in traditional Chinese medicine, so far no clear textual source has surfaced.

Tribulus terrestris - some body builders use T. terrestris as post cycle therapy or "PCT."  After they have completed an anabolic-steroid cycle, they use it under the assumption that it will restore the body's natural testosterone levels.  The extract is claimed to increase the body's natural testosterone levels and thereby improve male sexual performance and help build muscle. Its purported muscle-building potential was popularized by American IFBB bodybuilding champion Jeffrey Petermann in the early 1970s.

Well, there you have it, as that was my quick review of the Test X180 product from Force Factor - Natural Testosterone Boosters.  If you're interested in these types of supplements, feel free to browse through a fine selection of products, by clicking the provided link below:

--------->'Click Here' for Force Factor & Natural Testosterone Boosters<---------

---End of Post

Why Aluminum-Free Deodorant?

Aluminum can be dangerous to your health, says Edward Group.
How Do Underarm Deodorants Work?

While most people use the terms antiperspirant and deodorant interchangeably, the two are not the same.

Antiperspirant contains aluminum salts. Deodorants do not. And, by shopping for the product, you've already seen that the majority of the products sold today have both attributes in their formulas.

Antiperspirants containing aluminum, work to stop completely perspiration from occurring. Deodorants do not contain aluminum. Deodorants allow perspiration. They work to kill the bacteria that causes odor when we perspire. From a purely natural standpoint, it makes more sense for us to use deodorants, as it is clearly a more natural process to allow our bodies to sweat.

Of course none of us wants to emit an unpleasant, offensive odor, but aluminum-free underarm deodorants do work to keep us feeling clean and fresh. Most commercial brands of deodorant contain a variety of harsh chemicals that are detrimental to our health. Only one of them is aluminum, which can be toxic and is potentially quite dangerous to our health. Read more

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Quitting Smoking Makes You Nicer

You probably already know that quitting smoking makes you healthier, but did you know that it also makes you nicer?
Quitting smoking makes you healthier AND it makes you nicer. And it turns out that while blacks have a harder time quitting, there is no difference in the quitting ability between the sexes.

 Once you DO quit, you'll not only SMELL nicer, you'll BE nicer. Researchers have found evidence that shows those who quit smoking show improvements in their overall personality. And who would WANT to smoke, anyway, with all those nasty ingredients in cigarettes? Read more

Monday, October 15, 2012

Why You Shouldn’t Burn More Than 4,000 Calories a Week through Exercise

Mark Sisson explains why excessive exercise can be hazardous to your health.
Everyone agrees that being sedentary is bad and unhealthy and that being active is good and healthy. The research agrees, too; regular physical activity leads to good health, longer lives, and an improved ability to function throughout normal life. When you’re able to walk to the store, carry your groceries home, take the stairs, get out of bed without struggling, pack enough lean mass to survive a stay in the hospital, and ride your bike when you want to, you’re a functional human being, and remaining active on a regular basis helps maintain this state so crucial to basic health and happiness.

But what’s often hidden amidst the blanket pro-exercise sentiment is that too much exercise can have the opposite effect on health – people can really take physical activity too far. I talk about this all the time, so much that you’ve probably got “Chronic Cardio” emblazoned across your brain and shake your head when you see some hapless soul in spandex and the latest runners heaving himself down the street, heel first. I know just how bad that stuff can be, because I did it for a large part of my life. You’ve all heard that story before, though, about how even though training cardio hard gets you “fitter” in one sense of the word, it’s actually counterproductive for a healthy long life (doubly so if you want to have some lean muscle mass and pain-free joints in your later years). Read more

Friday, October 5, 2012

How an Apple a Day Could Keep the Cardiologist Away

An apple a day could keep the cardiologist away by lowering bad cholesterol. Apples were found to be more effective than a supplement containing an antioxidant found in the fruit.
A new study suggests that eating apples each day could significantly improve the heart health of middle-aged adults in just one month.

Those who ate a daily apple over four weeks lowered 'bad' cholesterol in the blood by 40 per cent - a substance linked to hardening of the arteries. Read more

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Amino Acids: Your Body's Building Blocks

Margaret Durst discusses the critical importance of L-amino acids and lists a few popular supplements.
 ‘L’ is a prefix for many of the amino acids or proteins that are the building blocks for the body. The ‘L’ denotes a left sided rotation of the molecule which is the natural form that is recognized by the human body. The other form is ‘D’ which is rotated to the right and is generally undesirable, yet is found in cheaper amino acid supplements.

There are many amino acids – some made by the body and some that must be obtained from the diet. Below is a description of the most common amino acid supplements. Read more

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Big Pharma Scandal: the Drugs Don't Work.

The biggest scandal the pharmaceutical drug companies are covering up is not the expense of their drugs, nor even their side effects. The worst scandal is that the drugs don't work - and Big Pharma knows it, says Ben Goldacre.
Reboxetine is a drug I have prescribed. Other drugs had done nothing for my patient, so we wanted to try something new. I'd read the trial data before I wrote the prescription, and found only well-designed, fair tests, with overwhelmingly positive results. Reboxetine was better than a placebo, and as good as any other antidepressant in head-to-head comparisons. It's approved for use by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (the MHRA), which governs all drugs in the UK. Millions of doses are prescribed every year, around the world. Reboxetine was clearly a safe and effective treatment. The patient and I discussed the evidence briefly, and agreed it was the right treatment to try next. I signed a prescription. Read more

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Premature Ejaculation: Men More Concerned Than Women

A new study on premature ejaculation finds that men are actually more upset about it than women.
 ... As you may suspect, PE is fairly common, experienced by about 20 to 30 percent of men at any given time.
PE is also subject to different definitions among scientists as well as laypersons. For example, some young men – relatively inexperienced with sex and perhaps holding themselves up to standards of staying power seen only in porn – think they have PE if they can’t last 30 minutes during sex. When researchers put a time stamp on PE (and not all do), it’s often considered to be ejaculating within one or two minutes, without being able to control it. Read more
If you are sick and tired of the humiliation of premature ejaculation, learn a proven, permanent method that allows you to last 10-30 minutes longer in bed TONIGHT, Click Here!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Chocolate Shown to Prevent Strokes in Men

A daily dose of chocolate is shown to prevent strokes in men, according to a new study by Swedish researchers.
A wealth of scientific evidence continues to demonstrate the powerful health benefits of consuming a wide variety of polyphenols from natural foods. In past studies, resveratrol, curcumin and grape seed extract have been shown to help prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and dementia as these amazing compounds alter genetic expression to improve cellular metabolism and improve critical biomarkers. Read more

Friday, September 21, 2012

Exercise Primally: Move, Lift, and Sprint!

Forget endless, mind-numbing cardio, says Mark Sisson. Move slowly, lift heavy things, and sprint a little to achieve primal fitness,
For as much as I emphasize the importance of food with regards to health and body composition and deemphasize the purely mechanical act of burning calories through arduous, protracted exercise, you still do have to move. You have to lift heavy things. You have to move very quickly every once in awhile. You have to stay active. These behaviors are absolutely essential to your Primal foray. So, let’s dig into Primal exercise, shall we? Enough food talk.

First off, if you haven’t downloaded a copy of Primal Blueprint Fitness, my free e-book that lays all this stuff out, go sign up for the newsletter to gain access. It’s free and you get tons of other cool freebies, so there’s really no reason not to do it. Plus, it’ll flesh out everything discussed in today’s post. Second, click on the pyramid to the right to zoom in. And we’re off… Read more

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Natural Route to Pain Relief

Tess Pennington reveals the natural route to pain relief.
Got a headache? Here, have some Tylenol!

Did you pull a muscle exercising? Motrin might help!

Pain happens, and there’s a pill for nearly every pain. But what happens if the pharmacies are closed? There are other options besides popping a pill – give these methods a try! Read more

Monday, September 17, 2012

End the Nightmare of Sleep Loss

There's a biological reason why we can still feel tired during the week even after a good weekend lie-in, says Sarah Rainey.
It’s 3.21am on Saturday. The digits on the alarm clock cast an acid-green glow over the room, and the music from the bar I left four hours earlier is still resonating in my ears. The red dot on my BlackBerry is blinking, while an unread message lights up my iPhone screen. As I twist and turn, only one thought sustains me as I yearn for sleep: at least I can have a lie-in in the morning.

Sleeping in is a guilty pleasure of the weekend. A couple of luxurious extra hours in bed to help us catch up on sleep lost during the working week is what we think we all need. But according to a new study, sleeping in doesn’t help us feel more awake. It doesn’t boost our energy levels. In fact, it has the opposite effect. It disrupts the body’s internal clock so much that just a few extra hours makes us feel even more tired than normal on Monday morning. Read more

Friday, September 14, 2012

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are dangerous, and useless for weight loss, says David Brownstein, MD.
An article in the most recent issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2012;96:640-6) was titled, “Low-calorie sweetener consumption is increasing in the United States.” The authors used the information from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in order to report their results. Specifically they looked at the consumption of low-calorie sweeteners (LCS) during the years 1999-2000 as compared to 2007-2008. They reported that in 2007-2008, as compared to 1999-2000, the consumption of LCS increased from 6.1% to 12.5% among children and from 18.7% to 24.1% among adults. Furthermore, the increase in LCS were observed in all weight, age, socioeconomic and race-ethnicity subgroups in both children and adults. Read more

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

8 Key Concepts of Living Primal

Live by the eight key concepts of living primal, and you’ll be on your way to a lifetime of health and wellness, says Mark Sisson.
With the Primal Blueprint 21-Day Challenge having just begun, it’s the perfect time to go over the Primal Blueprint 8 Key Concepts. I believe that fully grokking these powerful ideas is crucial to success during the challenge. As the saying goes, knowledge is power. Having a firm grasp of these key concepts will provide a framework for – and make you more resolute in – your daily decisions. Read them, commit them to memory, live by them, and you’ll be well on your way to a lifetime of health and wellness.

In the coming days and weeks, I will lay out the path to Primal health in greater detail, but for now, are you ready to learn the basics? Let’s get to it… Read more

Monday, September 10, 2012

6 Natural Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to obtain an adequate erection for satisfactory sexual activity. Successful treatment of erectile dysfunction has been demonstrated to improve sexual intimacy and satisfaction, improve sexual aspects of quality of life, improve overall quality of life, and relieve symptoms of depression. You may be surprised at all the options for treating erectile dysfunction, not all of which involve expensive and potentially dangerous drugs. Here are six home remedies that are used to treat erectile dysfunction.

1) Ashwagandha

The herb ashwagandha is sometimes called Indian ginseng because it is thought to have similar effects on the body. Ashwagandha, naturally reduce stress levels in the body to help it return to normal levels, thus allowing normal bodily functions like sleep, concentration, well-balanced mood, normal sperm production, libido and sex to resume normally.

2) Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a powerful healing herb which has been used by herbalists for centuries. Ginkgo is used for erectile dysfunction, particularly in people who experience erectile dysfunction as a side effect of antidepressant drugs. Ginkgo is effective on erectile dysfunction because of its healing, anti-inflammatory, vascular-health improving, and circulation-increasing properties.

3) Horny Goat Weed

Horny goat weed has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine.  Studies indicate that horny goat weed may work by increasing nitric oxide levels, which relaxes smooth muscle and lets more blood flow to the penis. Horny goat weed also appears to act by inhibiting the PDE-5 enzyme, which is the same way that the drug Viagra works.

4) L-Arginine

L-Arginine is an amino acid that the body uses to make nitric oxide, a substance signals smooth muscle surrounding blood vessels to relax, which dilates the blood vessels and increases blood flow. Relaxation of smooth muscle in the penis allows for enhanced blood flow, leading to an erection. (For more about L-Arginine, see my post Curing Erectile Dysfunction Naturally with L-Arginine.)

5) Maca

Maca is a root plant consumed as a food and for medicinal purposes. Maca is also known as Peruvian ginseng, despite the fact that it is not a member of the ginseng family, because it is used as a herbal remedy to increase stamina, energy, and sexual function. It is typically taken as a pill or liquid extract or as powdered maca root.

6) Zinc

One of the easiest ways to treat and prevent erectile dysfunction is a diet rich in mineral zinc. This mineral controls and regulates the metabolism and enzyme activity and also maintains the integrity of the cells. Zinc is involved in the synthesis of testosterone and semen production.

Erectile dysfunction can be treated at any age. Treatment depends on your overall health and the underlying cause of the problem. However, home remedies can often be a safe, inexpensive solution to erectile dysfunction.

Men should not be afraid or ashamed of having erectile dysfunction because nowadays, they have many options that can help them beat or overcome erectile dysfunction. A breakthrough new method gives any man harder erections simply, naturally and without drugs! To stop erectile dysfunction and start having stiff, powerful erections tonight, Click Here!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

High Blood Pressure: 3 Natural Remedies

High blood pressure is a serious health problem, but fortunately there are many natural blood pressure remedies which are effective, less costly, and lack the side effects of pharmaceuticals, says Celeste M. Smucker, MPH, PhD.
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a serious health problem which impacts nearly 30% of the American population. Its prevalence is growing as is it's cost, and people who suffer from this condition are also likely to experience heart attacks and strokes as well as kidney damage, loss of vision, and impaired cognitive ability. In 2008 the cost of hypertension was estimated to be in excess of $69 billion not including associated cardiovascular complications which up the total by another $100 billion. Unfortunately, according to an article in the American Journal of Hypertension only about 24% of those affected by hypertension are able to control their blood pressure. In addition, among those who take drugs for this condition, only 43% have it under control. Fortunately there are many natural blood pressure remedies which are effective, less costly, and lack the side effects of pharmaceuticals. Read more

Monday, August 27, 2012

Get Six Pack Abs in under Two Minutes

This video demonstrates how to get six pack abs doing this very powerful workout. You will get ripped abs in less then 2 minutes per day.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Cure Premature Ejaculation Naturally with Triangular Breathing

Men have had a problem with premature ejaculation since the beginning of time. Premature ejaculation is a condition in which men ejaculate too early to satisfy their partner. According to surveys, more than 30% of American men suffer from this problem. No man is happy when he ejaculates prematurely. Premature ejaculation often leads to low self-esteem, performance anxiety, and relationship problems. The good news is that premature ejaculation is usually curable. Certain techniques can be learned that will boost your sexual stamina and allow you to satisfy your partner. One of those techniques is triangular breathing.

Triangular Breathing

Triangular breathing is performed as follows:

1) Inhale for 4 seconds.

2) Hold your breath for 4 seconds.

3) Exhale for 4 seconds.

4) Repeat steps 1-3.

For beginners, it is a good idea to mentally count to four to make sure that you are inhaling, holding your breath, and exhaling for the same amount of time. Practice is required to perfect this technique. Chances are that you will not get it right the first time you try it. However, with a little of practice, triangular breathing can greatly ncrease in your sexual stamina.

The great thing about triangular breathing is that it is are easy to learn and can enable you to last longer tonight. Deep, slow breathing slows down your heart rate, which makes it easier to stay relaxed. Triangular breathing can greatly boost your sexual stamina and improve your ability to control your arousal level.  It is also a great way to clear your mind of any anxiety about your sexual performance.

Are you sick and tired of the frustration and embarrassment of finishing way too soon? Finally, you can end the "personal hell of premature ejaculation forever! To discover how you can last 15-45 minutes longer in bed tonight, click here!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Curing Erectile Dysfunction Naturally with L-Arginine

Sexual dysfunction is the disorder no one wants to talk about, yet according to the Journal of the American Medical Association, 43% of women and 31% of men suffer from sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction is broadly defined as the inability to fully enjoy sexual intercourse. Women generally experience it as a loss of libido (sexual desire) and/or the inability or difficulty in achieving an orgasm. Men experience it as erectile dysfunction.
If you want to increase libido, there are numerous natural supplements on the market that are sold. The problem with most of them is they are sold without medical substantiation and don't work.The good news there is a proven supplement that does work to increase libido in both men and women. Based on hundreds of studies, L-arginine has become known as a safe and effective sexual nutrient for men and women.

L-Arginine is an amino acid that is necessary for normal functioning of the pituitary gland. The production of L-Arginine naturally decreases with age and medical research has shown that it is responsible for many degenerative processes that are related to getting older. It also plays an important role in maintaining sexual health and libido.

L-arginine helps with maintaining sexual health by enhancing healthy blood flow to the penis. Low levels of L-arginine in the body lead to poor sexual functioning and decreased libido, particularly as we get older/ Taking at it as a supplement can maintain libido as well as having other circulatory benefits . Male sexual health relies on the ability to have enough blood flow to the penis to create an erection and that's the role L- Arginine performs.

L-Arginine is a precursor of nitric oxide (NO) in the human body. In the 1990s, scientists discovered that not only is NO an essential compound that helps blood circulation, but it is important to normal sexual function in both men and women. Without L-Arginine there would be no NO, and without NO, men would not be able to have erections.

Nitric oxide is produced in response to arousal messages from the brain; this then triggers the release of nitric acid which causes the smooth muscles of the spongy tissues inside the penis to relax, allowing the tissue to fill with blood and create an erection. The realize of nitric acid is essential to this process and that is why L- Arginine is so effective in increasing libido.

L-Arginine provides a number of important health benefits in addition to increasing libido, which include:

  • Maintaining normal blood pressure, educing plaque, lowering cholesterol, and the prevention blood clots.
  • Increasing long term memory and olfactory sensations.
  • Reducing and fighting infections.
  • Acting as a general anti aging nutrient.
  • Maintaining healthy blood flow in all areas of the body
Although here is no established level for L-Arginine supplements, 2000 -3000 mg a day is regarded as a safe dosage,

L-Arginine is an excellent supplement for anyone wanting to increase his sexual arousal, improve performance, and overall health. The huge advantage this natural and safe supplement has over Viagra is that both men and women can take it, it's considerably less expensive, and it's been proven to work in numerous medical studies.

Men should not be afraid or ashamed of having erectile dysfunction because nowadays, they have many options that can help them beat or overcome erectile dysfunction. A breakthrough new method gives any man harder erections simply, naturally and without drugs! To stop erectile dysfunction and start having stiff, powerful erections tonight, Click Here!

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Top 5 Herbs for Weight Loss

Edward Group reveals five herbs that can help speed up your fat-burning metabolism or stifle cravings.
If you want to lose weight, you know the only way to ensure healthy progress and lasting success is by changing how you eat and increasing your activity level. However, there are a number of herbs that can help this journey along, whether by speeding up your fat-burning metabolism or by helping you stifle cravings.

These top 5 herbs can help accelerate your body’s natural ability to eliminate body fat both safely and effectively: Read more

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

7 Toxic Foods, Drinks, and Additives to Cut out of Your Diet for Good

Although experts may disagree about what type of diet is the best,  Ethan A. Huff says there are seven toxic food, drinks, and additives that you should definitely cut out of your diet for good.
With so much conflicting information out there about which foods are healthy and which foods are not, it can be difficult for many people to determine how best to approach a healthy lifestyle that includes eating well. But a good place to start is to avoid these seven toxic foods, beverages, and additives that are quite common in the American diet.

Diet sodas and beverages sweetened with artificial chemicals. One of the more common dietary misconceptions in mainstream society today is the idea that "diet" beverages are somehow healthier than their sugar-sweetened beverages. Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal) saccharin (Sweet'N Low), and sucralose (Splenda) are among the more popular artificial sweeteners used in many diet sodas, juices, chewing gums, and other foods (

Not only are artificial sweeteners bad for your health, but they also tend to promote obesity. If you want to protect yourself against chronic illness and toxicity -- aspartame literally converts to formaldehyde in the body and causes metabolic acidosis -- it is best to stick with either raw sugars or natural sugar substitutes like pure stevia extract. Read more

Monday, August 6, 2012

Eding and Ballooning: Two Exercises to Help Cure Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a condition from which millions of men worldwide have suffered, but it's a condition that is highly curable. In cases where the premature ejaculation is severe, it is highly advisable to see a medical professional. However, for milder cases, premature ejaculation exercises may help or reverse the condition. Premature ejaculation exercises can help you build stamina and learn control. Edging and ballooning are two premature ejaculation exercises that will help you strengthen your penis and improve your staying power during sex.

One of the best exercises to incorporate into your penis exercising routine is edging. Edging is masturbating and stopping right before you ejaculate. Once your urge to ejaculate has subsided, you repeat the process as many times as you’d like. By building up over and over again, you’re training your brain to learn how to gain complete control of your ejaculations and, thus, overcome any problem with premature ejaculation you may have.This "stop and go" build-up also can help you achieve even stronger orgasms Try to build up to twenty minutes per edging session before you ejaculate.

Similar to edging, ballooning involves masturbating and stopping right before you ejaculate. However, it doesn’t involve stroking the penis up and down. Ballooning helps with premature ejaculation by training your brain to learn how to become comfortable with feeling sexual pleasure without a release.To practice ballooning, find the super-sensitive “magic spot” on your penis (avoid the frenulum under the head at first, as it may be too sensitive) and rub over and over, using a circular motion until just before ejaculation. In a ballooning session, your goal is to stay at your maximum hardness for as long as possible without ejaculating. This practice can help you gradually increase your stamina.

Even if you find you need medical assistance in your fight against premature ejaculation, premature ejaculation exercises can help you increase your stamina and prowess over the long term. Like the rest of your body, your pelvic muscles and the smooth muscle tissue in your penis can become more “muscular” with training, allowing you ultimately to be able to sustain more powerful erections for longer. It is in the strength of your erection that you will find greater control over your climax.

Are you sick and tired of the frustration and embarrassment of finishing way too soon? Finally, you can end the "personal hell of premature ejaculation forever! To discover how you can last 15-45 minutes longer in bed tonight, click here!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What's the Big Deal about Fish Oil?

What's the big deal about fish oil? It can help fight heart disease, ease arthritis, even stave off blindness, according to the Daily Mail.
The experts reveal everything you need to know about the supplement that can fight heart disease, ease arthritis - and even stave off blindness.


Monday, July 30, 2012

5 Sensible Vices

Vices are things that are supposed to be bad for you, but Mark Sisson says there are five vices that are, well, sensible.
One issue I have with our modern lifestyle – of many – is the emphasis on perfection. Newer, slimmer, bigger, better, faster: the message of perfection screams out to us from glossy magazines, slick television ads and popup ad after popup ad. (Or purrs, cajoles, teases, and smothers.) While I do believe fundamentally in pursuing whatever your personal best happens to be, and I think we could generally be doing far better in terms of diet and exercise, I have a hard time with the constant barrage of images telling us that, in short, we suck.

Which brings me to vices. I’m a pretty disciplined guy – okay, very disciplined – but I stop short of attempting perfection. Sure, I suppose I could forever kiss ice cream good bye (yes, Sisson still occasionally indulges). I could angst over those missed workouts when I’m vacationing with my wife and kids. I could work on my flaws and vices. But…why? Read more

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Want the Physique and Endurance of a Fighter?

If you want the physique\ and endurance of a fighter, Chad Howse explains how to train like one.
In a sport where livelihood and fitness are so closely linked, it’s no wonder that fighters are in such great shape. Their conditioning is just as important as their talent and skill.

For a fighter, how well-prepared he is usually determines how well he performs. A supremely conditioned fighter can overwhelm a less-conditioned athlete with a constant and unrelenting barrage.

If they’re not in exquisite shape, fighters run the risk of not only losing, but also having their years of hard work and dedication wasted and missing their chance to let their talent and skill show and shine. Thus, fighters take training pretty seriously. Read more

Monday, July 16, 2012

Can Wearing the Right Socks Cure Snoring?

Wearing the right socks during the day may cure scoring at night, says Roger Dobson.
Wearing tight stockings during the day may be a new way to tackle snoring at night.

Compression stockings are widely used to treat varicose veins and prevent blood clots in the legs after surgery and during long-haul flights.

They are now being given to people with sleep apnoea, a major cause of snoring. Read more

Friday, July 13, 2012

Baldness Drug Can Cause Sexual Dysfunction

The baldness drug Propecia can cause permanent impotence and shrink the genitals in some men.
A hair-loss medication reportedly tried by Wayne Rooney may cause prolonged and possibly irreversible impotence, scientists have claimed.

The recent findings come after one patient bravely stepped forward to reveal the drug left him with no sex drive and even shrank his genitals. Read more

Monday, July 9, 2012

Homeopathic Remedies Alleviate Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

When temperatures soar, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke can occur with little warning. Homeopathic remedies can be helpful in treating these conditions.
When the dog days of summer arrive, it's important to protect not only against sunburn, but heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Overexposure to the sun and excessive heat causes loss of fluids leading to dehydration, low electrolytes and an increase in body temperature. This is caused not only by high atmospheric temperatures but by over-exposure to the sun, or performing manual work during high temperatures and high humidity. Certain illnesses can make an individual more prone to heat exhaustion as well as drinking alcohol. Young children and the elderly are most at risk, but anyone can suffer, so caution is advised. Read more

Monday, July 2, 2012

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet for Diabetics

Excerpt from WebMD on the benefits of apple cider vinegar for diabetic. Don't wait for the pill. Just take a tablespoon in a glass of water. Doesn't taste unpleasant at all.

Friday, June 29, 2012

This Exercise Can Cause a 7-Fold Surge of Heart Problems

Hate exercise? Joseph Mercola reveals how to stay fit easily without the traditional boredom and drudgery.
Do you dread going to the gym for what feels like hours at a stretch? Or do you avoid working out altogether because you just don't have the time? Then what I'm about to tell you should be music to your ears: sometimes when it comes to exercise, less is more.

It's becoming increasingly clear that too much exercise, particularly long bouts of cardio, can cause more harm than good.

And while most Americans would be well served to exercise more, there's probably no need to work out for more than 45 minutes or so at a time, as long as you exercise correctly and efficiently. In fact, one of the most effective exercises I know of takes just 20 minutes for the whole workout (I'll explain more below)... Read more

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Urban Warrior Street Workout Routine

Rob Riches goes downtown Los Angeles to present us another of his outdoor workout training plans. He works his biceps, abdominals and shoulders, and he sprints as he moves from one exercise to the other.

Monday, June 25, 2012

50,000 People Die from Taking a Drug That Should Not Be Prescribed

David Brownstein, MD. says 50,000 people die from taking a drug that should not be prescribed.
An article in JAMA (June 6, 2012, Vol. 307, No. 21, page 2247) states, “For years, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that target the…Cox-2 enzyme have been linked to increased cardiovascular risks. New research indicates that these elevated risks occur because COX-2 inhibitors suppress prostacyclin – a vasodilator and platelet inhibitor with heart protecting properties.”

This ‘new’ research has come much too late for the 50,000 who died and over 100,000 patients who suffered a stroke or a heart attack directly related to the use of a COX-2 inhibitor such as Vioxx or Celebrex.

However, simply looking at the mechanism of action of COX-2 inhibitors would lead anyone to predict that their use would be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular problems including stroke and heart attack. Read more

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Onions, Olives, Garlic, Cayenne Pepper in the Juicer for Hair Growth

Learn how to make a tonic of onions, olives, garlic, and cayenne pepper in the juicer to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.

Monday, June 18, 2012

6 Ways to Shrink Your Belly

Dr. Joseph Mercola reveals six ways to shrink your belly, and five of them don't involve exercise.
... If you're looking to shrink and tone your belly, there's a better way to do it than trying to do crunches. In fact, research has shown that doing abdominal exercises alone – even when performed five days a week for six weeks – has no effect at all on subcutaneous fat stores and abdominal circumference!

In an op-ed piece for Forbes magazine, Jennifer Cohen suggests using strategies that burn up cortisol insteadii. Cortisol is a hormone in your body that depletes lean muscle and holds on to fat in the abdominal region. Read more

Monday, June 11, 2012

Low Male Libido: 3 Causes and Natural Remedies

Conventional wisdom tends to be more conventional than wise, and the idea that only women have a low libido is a perfect example. Truth be told, many men suffer from temporary loss of libido, and in some instances, it may not be as obvious as erectile dysfunction. The good news is that many men who suffer temporary or sudden loss of libido may be able to increase their libido with safe natural remedies. Let's look at three possible causes of low male libido and some potential natural remedies.

1) Unhealthy Lifestyle

Drinking, smoking, and being overweight are known libido killers. Men need to stop smoking and cut down or quit drinking. You can't simply counteract these if you are doing them to excess.

If you are overweigh, your body simply does not function at its best. Energy levels and desire are low. The answer here is simple: eat less and exercise more. Cut out processed foods and substitute unrefined ones. If you need to lose a lot of weight, low-carb diets work. For exercise, you don't need to go to the gym for hours. Walking a half hour a day and doing a short calisthenics routine can make a big difference. This may sound too simple, but it works.

2) Stress

Stress is another libido killer but you can reduce its effects naturally. You can take two supplements that act as overall body tonics.They work to reduce stress and also increase blood circulation and nitric oxide production. The two supplements are Ginseng and Ginkgo, which have been used in Chinese medicine for centuries.

Another lesser known supplement is L Tyrosine This supports and assists neurotransmitters in the brain. When you are stressed or anxious, the availability of L-Tyrosine is depleted. L-Tyrosine helps reduce stress, improves mental agility, enhances mood, and helps boost sex drive as a result.

3) Low Nitric Oxide Levels

Many men with low libido immediately think it must be low testosterone,  but this is seldom the case. Most men's testosterone levels are fine. Instead, you need to check to see if your nitric oxide levels are sufficient. Nitric oxide is critical in the erection process and if you don't have enough, you will simply not be able to get an erection. Nitric oxide naturally declines with age. The good news is you can boost it naturally and safely.

When a man has sexual feelings, the brain communicates these sexual thoughts through the nerves, and these are transmitted to the genitals. The nerves relax the muscle cells by the release of nitric oxide in the walls of the blood vessels entering the penis. This then allows an increase in blood to flow into the penis, resulting in an erection. If insufficient nitric oxide is produced, an erection cannot occur. If you want to boost nitric oxide levels simply take the amino acid L Argentine. In medical tests, 80% of men who took 2,800 mgs for just two weeks found the result was better erections and increased sexual satisfaction.

To a large degree, modern living is to blame for low male libido. We eat more processed foods take more drugs, and feel more stressed than our ancestors. By trying the above natural remedies, you can not only get an increase in male libido but also become healthier and happier at the same time.

A breakthrough new method gives any man harder erections simply, naturally and without drugs! To stop erectile dysfunction and start having stiff, powerful erections tonight, Click Here!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Excessive Exercise Harms the Heart, Say Scientists

It's about time we quit congratulating marathoners and triathletes and began pitying them instead. Excess exercise "hurts the heart" and cause dangerous long-term harm, say scientists. Of course, this is exactly what people used to think before the running boom of the 1970s. Short, intense activities, such as sprinting, are much better.
Extreme exercise such as marathons may permanently damage the heart and trigger rhythm abnormalities, warn researchers.

They say the safe ‘upper limit’ for heart health is a maximum of an hour a day - after which there is little benefit to the individual.

A review of research evidence by US physicians says intensive training schedules and extreme endurance competitions can cause long-term harm to people’s hearts. Read more

Monday, June 4, 2012

Home Remedies for Armpit Sweating

Sweating is a natural process that helps the body to eliminate toxins, but excessive perspiration and foul-smelling sweat can be remedied through changes in the diet. Discover how to help dry up sweat with sage tea, and how to make it smell better through the use of leafy greens with help from a certified herbal information specialist in this free video on home remedies and alternative medicine.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Lose Weight with Super-Slow Weight Training

Super-slow weight training automatically reduces injury and improves fitness, says Joseph Mercola.
... Principles of Super-Slow Weight Training

Dr. McGuff is a proponent of so-called super-slow weight training, which actually produces many of the same health- and fitness benefits as high-intensity interval training, which is a key aspect of my Peak Fitness program.

But instead of using a stationary bike or elliptical machine, you're lifting weights . These two forms of exercise may at first sound like complete opposites – super-slow versus high-intensity – but the combination of slowing down your lifts and lifting to failure turns it into a high-intensity exercise. Metabolically speaking, both forms are very similar to each other, because you're producing metabolic byproducts of that fatigue.

One such byproduct is lactic acid.

Whether you're doing high-intensity interval training on an elliptical or doing super-slow weight lifting, the lactic acid produced generates a cascade of metabolic adaptations that improve your muscle strength and fitness level. Read more

Friday, May 25, 2012

Another Nail in the Coffin of Bone-Strengthening Drugs

Bone-strengthening drugs are worse than osteoporosis, says David Brownstein, MD.
A new study in the Archives of Medicine (published online May 21, 2012) destroys the fictional theory of treating osteoporosis with bisphosphonate drugs. I have been writing and warning about the dangers of bisphosphonate drugs for years. In my book, Drugs that Don’t Work and Natural Therapies That Do, I predicted, “…the long-term use of these medications will… lead to the formation of poor quality bone.” Unfortunately, my prediction has come true.

Bisphosphonate drugs (Fosamax, Boniva, Actonel, and Zometa) were found to significantly increase the risk of atypical bone fractures the longer the drugs were taken. Shockingly, not only was the risk tremendously increased, it was found to be increased in a linear fashion. Read more

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Health Police Are Wrong about Coffee

The health police are wrong about coffee. Coffee is good for you, new research shows. It can even help you live longer.
Too much caffeine used to be considered a bad thing. Now researchers say drinking coffee could extend your life.
They found following a study of 400,000 aged between 50 and 71, the more coffee you drink, the less likely you are to die from a number of different ailments.
These include heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, injuries, accidents, diabetes and infections, but not cancer.
The US research published in The New England Journal of Medicine adds to evidence that coffee drinkers appear to enjoy better health. Read more

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bring Back Butter, Cheese, Red Meat

Zoe Harcomb explains why eating fat won't make you fat.
I love butter. Smothered on vegetables or, best of all, melted over a juicy sirloin steak.

And I eat masses of red meat – lamb chops or my favourite, pork belly.

 Sometimes we’ll put a piece in the oven at lunchtime, and slow cook it to make the crackling really crunchy by evening.

My only two rules are that the meat has to be good quality and that all the fat is left on.

As a food expert, I spend my working life imploring the public to eat a nutritious diet – so I know these may sound like odd admissions.

What I am suggesting flies in the face of everything you have heard about healthy eating. Read more

Monday, May 14, 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012

6 Anti-Aging Nutrients to Take Every Day

Joseph Mercola discusses the six anti-aging nutrients he takes every day.
Vitamin D
Research has shown that those with higher levels of vitamin D are more likely to have longer telomeres, and vice versa. This means that people with higher levels of vitamin D may actually age more slowly than people with lower levels of vitamin D. Read more

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sugar: Worse for Your Liver Than Alcohol?

Joseph Mercola explains how sugar, fructose, and artificial sweeteners can make you flabby and sick.
... While total calorie consumption has contributed to increases in diabetes rates around the world, they don't explain the whole story. In 1985, the year I finished my residency and started in private practice, the average number of calories consumed per day for the global population was 2,655.

At the time, 0.62 percent of the global population had diabetes.

By 2010, the average daily caloric intake had risen to 2,866 – an eight percent increase – but surprisingly, the diabetes rate rose by a whopping 727 percent, to 5.13 percent of the total global population.

When scientists dug deeper to determine what it is that people are eating that's contributing most to the global crisis in obesity and obesity-related diseases, they discovered that a calorie isn't just a calorie.

The source of the calories you consume makes all the difference in the world. They discovered that it's the increase in total fats and carbohydrates specifically that's causing the massive weight gain in people around the world. What's more, there's just ONE food on Earth that, because of its unique composition, metabolizes in your body as both fat and carbohydrate – and that product is sugar. Read more

Monday, April 30, 2012

Two Breathing Exercises for Better Sleep

Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. This is because breathing deeply sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message to your body. Those things that happen when you are stressed, such as increased heart rate, fast breathing, and high blood pressure, all decrease as you breathe deeply to relax. Breathing exercises can help you relax, because they make your body feel like it does when you are already relaxed. Counting breaths and 2-to-1 Breathing are two breathing exercises to help you relax and fall asleep.

Counting Breaths

1) Lie in bed on your back with your hands by your sides or resting on your abdomen. Your body should be flat, so if you have a high pillow, remove it. Breathe slowly, smoothly, and deeply through your nose throughout the exercise. As you breathe in gently, expand your abdomen; as you breathe out, let your abdomen fall back into place. This ensures true, deep breathing.

2) All you have to do is mentally count your breaths up to ten. You can either count your inhalations or your exhalations. Here's the catch though: every time your mind wanders and you lose count, you must start from one again. Each time you reach ten, start at one again. Continue like this and you will fall asleep.

2-to-1 breathing

This breathing pattern relaxes the body by subtly stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby inducing a state of relaxation.

As you lie in bed, gently slow down the rate of exhalation until you exhale for twice as long as you inhale. You can coax a longer exhalation by contracting the abdomen slightly. Don’t try to fill or empty or empty the lungs completely. You are simply changing the rhythm of your breath. In the beginning, it may help to count to eight on the exhalation and four on the inhalation, or sex on the exhalation and three on the inhalation (or any other 2-to-1 ratio you find comfortable. Focus on the smoothness and evenness of your breath, gradually eliminating any jerks and pauses.

Do one of these breathing exercises every night whether you have sleep problems or not. It will improve the quality of your sleep and most likely reduce the amount of sleep you need.

Finally, there is a way to get rid of tiredness and start living a full and energetic life that doesn't depend on drugs, stimulants, or expensive treatments. Instead, you'll learn some simple and easy-to-understand information, apply it, and then start fighting tiredness the natural way. To find out how to end tiredness once and for all, click here.