Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Are You Insulin Resistant?

Margaret Durst discusses the symptoms and risks of insulin resistance, and how to get your health back in balance.
Do you have weight gain around the middle, tiredness, irritability, insomnia, poor mental function and inability to lose weight? If you answered yes, your lifestyle needs an overhaul as you are insulin resistant.

Insulin regulates blood sugar levels within the body. We associate insulin with diabetes – but there is a more insidious condition that happens when our blood sugar levels are “considered” normal, but our body quits responding normally to the insulin we produce – ie. Insulin resistance – which is a pre-diabetic condition affecting way too many of us. Read more

Monday, April 28, 2014

A Bottle of Wine a Day Is OK

A bottle of wine a day is not bad for you, and abstaining is worse than drinking, a scientist claims.
The recommended daily allowance for alcohol consumption in Britain may well be around the size of a medium to large glass of wine depending on your gender, but a leading scientist in the field has claimed drinking just over a bottle a day would do no harm to your health. Read more

Friday, April 25, 2014

Natural Breast Enlargement: The Ultimate Guide to Bigger, Firmer Breasts

Many women are just as self-conscious about the size of their breasts as men are about the size of their penises. Women have even more reason because the size of their breasts is pretty much out there for everyone to see. That explains why breast augmentation surgery is so popular even though it has the same potential risks as all surgery and costs thousands of dollars.

Natural Breast Enlargement: The Ultimate Guide to Bigger, Firmer Breasts by Caitlin MacKenna is an e-book that reveals natural techniques for increasing your breast size. These methods work by re-creating the same hormonal conditions that caused the breasts to grow during puberty. This is achieved by combining the certain herbs, dietary supplements, and breast massage techniques.

In Natural Breast Enlargement: The Ultimate Guide to Bigger, Firmer Breasts you will learn:
  • How natural breast enlargement works
  • Simple things that you can do to increase the size and firmness of your breasts,
  • Ways to balancing the natural hormones that are responsible for breast growth
  • Herbs that have been scientifically proven to safely increase the size of your breasts
  • Chinese massage technique that stimulates breast growth
  • How your mind can make your breasts grow
  • Which foods accelerate breast enlargement and which foods prevent your breasts from growing,
  • How to avoid mistakes that can sabotage your breast growth
  • What older women need to do differently to grow their breasts
  • What to do if natural breast enlargement has not worked
... And much more!.

The herbs and supplements are inexpensive and are available at your local grocery or health food store, and the methods are so easy that you can make your breasts bigger by following them for just 15 - 20 minutes a day.

Natural Breast Enlargement is published by Lulu and is available for immediate download in ePub format, which most e-readers use. If you don’t have an e-reader, you can download and install the free Adobe Digital Editions reader to read it on your computer. Maybe best of all, Natural Breast Enlargement is available at a price anyone can afford – $6.99. Natural Breast Enlargement is also available at Amazon, iBookstore, Kobo and NOOK..

The natural breast enlargement techniques and methods you'll learn from Natural Breast Enlargement are safe and easy. The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll have the large, shapely breasts you've always wanted. To get the safest, least expensive, and easiest way to natural breast enlargement,, click here!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

3 Exercises for Sexy, Wider Hips

For women who feel that their hips are a little too boyish, Caitlin MacKenna details a short workout you can do for sexy, wider hips.
If you want to get sexy, wider hips, this workout routine will definitely help. The key to success with this routine is adding resistance in the form of weights to each exercise. You will need a set of dumbbells and a pair of ankle weights. Because you will be using added resistance, you must take a rest day between each workout day to allow your muscles to recover. If you absolutely cannot use weights, do the total number of recommended repetitions in one set instead of three and do the routine daily. Read more

Monday, April 21, 2014

My Reversing Hair Loss Ebook Has Been Published!

Many men, as they get older, begin to lose their hair above the temples. The hair loss continues over time around the top of the head and sometimes claims the hair on the sides and rear of the head. This condition is called androgenic alopecia because it's linked to the presence of androgens (hormones that control masculine characteristics). Reversing Hair Loss: How to Regrow Your Hair Without Drugs or Herbs will help you understand hair loss and learn how to stop and reverse it.

This program may be the first ever in which you do not have to take anything or rub anything on your scalp. It may also be the first in which you do not have to spend any money. It does take some time and effort, but it's easy, safe, and effective. Not only that, but doing the program should also make you feel better and have more energy. It's good for you aside for its hair regrowth benefits.

Reversing Hair Loss: How to Regrow Your Hair Without Drugs or Herbs is your ultimate guide to preventing, stopping, and reverrsing hair loss! When you open this book, you are not going to find a bunch of unnecessary fluff that is just there to fill the pages and make the book look fuller. I've tried to cut down the padding, the diagrams, and the filler as much as possible so that you can read the essential facts and techniques, absorb them, and then, of course, apply them!

Here are just a FEW of the things you’ll learn:
  • What causes hair loss - genetics is only ONE factor!
  • The potential dangers - an definite cost - of hair transplantation
  • The truth about how long it takes hair loss drugs to work - if they work at all - and what happens if you stop taking them
  • The devasastating possible side effect of hair loss drugs
  • The drawbacks of herbal hair loss remedies
  • How proper hair care can prevent hair loss
  • What role diet plays in hair loss
  • The simple practice that can regrow your hair - and reverse graying
  • Easy exercises that stop hair loss and regrow hair
  • A reversing hair loss routine customized for YOUR degree of hair loss
… and MUCH more!

Reversing Hair Loss: How to Regrow Your Hair Without Drugs or Herbs is published by Lulu and is available for immediate download in ePub format, which most e-readers use. If you don’t have n e-reader, you can download and install the free Adobe Digital Editions reader to read it on your computer.

Maybe best of all, Reversing Hair Loss is available at a price anyone can afford – $4.99. To stop your hair loss and begin regrowing your hair today, click here!

Friday, April 18, 2014

11 Ways to Kick-Start Your Metabolism for Weight Loss

Trying to lose weight for summer Christina Sarich reveals eleven ways to naturally boost your metabolism for weight loss.
Winter time is one of the worst times to try to keep fit since we tend to travel, bundle up indoors to stay out of the cold weather, and over-eat, but there are some natural ways you can kick-start your metabolism to lose weight and achieve a fit body. Many of the herbs and natural remedies below are also great for your overall health, so why not add them to your list, today?

Here are 11 ways to naturally boost your metabolism. Read more

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

3 Exercises for a Bigger Butt

If you want a rounder, firmer butt, Caitlin MacKenna gives a short exercise routine to follow.
Are you happy with your behind? Everyone wants to know how to get a bigger butt fast. While breast implants have been around for a long time, butt implants are becoming an increasingly requested cosmetic procedure. They come with a hefty price tag though, and are not without potential risks and complications. Read more

Monday, April 14, 2014

3 Types of Penis Enlargement Exercises

Nothing could be worse for a man’s sexual confidence and performance than a constant concern about the size of his penis and what his current sex partner thinks of it. This concern can even cause some men to avoid sexual situations because they fear embarrassment and rejection. Fortunately for these men, there is a way to enlarge the penis without going "under the knife." Penis enlargement exercises are an effective way to increase penis size.

The principle behind natural penis enlargement is that by using certain exercises, you can increase the girth and length of your penis without the need for surgery, pumps, or weights. When done correctly, the techniques can promote penis growth as well as improve erection hardness and sexual stamina. Here are the three basic types of penis enlargement exercises:


Jelqing is the best-known penis enlargement exercise. Sometimes jelqing is referred to as "milking" since it involves wrapping your thumb and index finger around your penis when it's semi-erect and repeatedly drawing your fingers away from your body to force blood into your Corpus Covernosa. Jelqing increases both penis length and girth.

Penis Stretching

Penis stretching isn't just one exercise. It has several different variations. However, all penis stretching exercises have one basic purpose: to stretch the tissues of your penis to make it longer.


Kegel exercises are another type of penis enlargement exercise although Kegels don't exercisesthe penis directly. Instead, they target the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle. Kegels give stronger erections and a larger head size due to increased blood-holding capacity. The PC muscle is also employed to delay ejaculation.

Any one of these exercises will help develop the penis, but an effective penis enlargement program will include all three. Also, each of these types of exercise has several variations to not only provide variety, but also stimulate penis growth in different ways. A comprehensive penis enlargement program is the best way to develop the penis to its full potential.

Does having a small penis make you feel like less of a man? Imagine... in just 2-3 months from now you could have a longer and thicker penis - and the "Big Man" confidence that goes with it. To learn how to increase the size of your penis up to 2-4" in length and up to 1" in girth, click here!.   

Friday, April 11, 2014

Scientists Discover Why Honey Is Still the Best Antibiotic

Honey is still the best antibiotic, new research.
Conventional antibiotics are overprescribed and overconsumed. They are given out like parade candy, tossed out to anyone waving their hands. 2010 data obtained by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that a whopping 833 antibiotic prescriptions are handed out on average per every 1,000 people. Read more

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Can Tobacco Beat Cancer?

The tobacco plant’s natural defenses may kill bad cells in humans.
The tobacco plant’s natural defence mechanisms could be harnessed to kill cancer cells in the human body.

Scientists have identified a molecule in the flower of the plant that usually fights off fungi and bacteria – and were stunned to find it also has the ability to identify and destroy cancer.

Called NaD1, it works by forming a pincer-like structure that grips onto lipids present in the membrane of cancer cells and rips themopen, causing the cell to expel its contents and explode. Read more

Monday, April 7, 2014

5 Penis Enlargement Myths Exposed

Many men are unhappy with the size of their penis, but the majority never do anything about it. Why not? Probably because they don't think they can. They believe the myths about penis enlargement that doctors or friends have told them all their lives. If they knew the truth about these myths, they might be motivated to take action. Here are the five most prevalent penis enlargement myths:

Size Doesn't Matter

Bigger is better when it comes to a woman's penis preferences, according to a recent study. Women not only find men with larger penises more attractive, but big penises also give better orgasms, thereby creating deeper bonds and enhancing reproductive success.

Penis Size Is Genetically Determined

This myth says that your penis size is genetically determined. In other words, if you're small, you're small, and if you're big, you're big. The truth is that your genetics does determine your current size. However, it does not dictate that you have to stay that size. You can grow bigger if you practice a method of penis enlargement that does all the necessary things you need to increase penis size.

No Penis Enlargement Methods Work

This is untrue as well. There are many studies that demonstrate that penis enlargement exercises work quite well. Phalloplasty (penis enlargement surgery), if it's successful, works also. Even extenders and weight hanging work somewhat.

Surgery Is the Only Way to Increase Penis Size

This is not true. Surgery is one way to increase penis size, but it is certainly not the only one. It is not even the best one. The fact is that penis enlargement surgery  is VERY dangerous. There are also serious problems associated with this procedure, such as pain from the surgery, a recovery time of several weeks (with no sex is permitted during recovery), and the risk of having a disfigured penis. In addition, this phalloplasty can cost $5,000 or more.

You Can Only Increase Length, Not Girth

This is false as well. Natural penis enlargement consists of two main types of exercises: stretching techniques to increase length and milking techniques to increase girth. Depending on the length and girth of your penis to begin with and what your goals are, most penis enlargement exercise programs can be modified to concentrate more on length, more on girth, or on both equally.

If you believed any of these myths, you know better now. You may still not do anything, but at least you know that you can. A bigger penis is a possibility, but only you can make it happen.

Does having a small penis make you feel like less of a man? Imagine... in just 2-3 months from now you could have a longer and thicker penis - and the "Big Man" confidence that goes with it. To learn how to increase the size of your penis up to 2-4" in length and up to 1" in girth, click here!

Friday, April 4, 2014

6 Ways to Sleep More and Better

Sleep loss may cause brain damage and accelerate the onset of Alzheimer's, two new studies show.
Could poor sleeping habits cause brain damage and even accelerate onset of Alzheimer’s disease? According to recent research, the answer is yes on both accounts.

According to neuroscientist Dr. Sigrid Veasey, associate professor of Medicine and a member of the Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology at the Perelman School of Medicine, this is the first time they’ve been able to show that sleep loss actually results in the loss of neurons.

A second study also suggests that if you sleep poorly, you’re at increased risk for earlier onset of severe dementia. Read more

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Best Times to Eat Meals for Weight Loss

A new study reveals the best times to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner if you want to lose weight - and you need to make sure you're up by 7am.
All slimmers want to maximise their potential weight loss by eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones.

According to research, however, the key to success lies in the timing of meals.

A survey has pinpointed the best times to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner if you want to shed as many pounds as possible. Read more