Monday, January 25, 2016

[HealthFitness] Don’t miss insider threats to wellness program information

HealthFitness has posted a new item, 'Don't miss insider threats to wellness
program information'

In a recent Intel survey of more than 1,100 organizations, it showed internal
actors were responsible for 43 percent of information loss.

There are two types of insider threats: 1. The disgruntled employee who tries to
do something with company data to harm the company and 2. The employee who
inadvertently does something with data that [...]

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Monday, January 18, 2016

[HealthFitness] 6 ways to help employees stay resolute about their health goals

HealthFitness has posted a new item, '6 ways to help employees stay resolute
about their health goals'

It's hard to believe it's already three weeks into the New Year; while 45
percent of us have made New Year's resolutions, only 8 percent of us will
actually keep them. When it comes to your employee wellness program, helping
employees stay the course after the New Year's resolution hype begins to fade is
just as important as engaging [...]

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[HealthFitness] 6 ways to help employees stay resolute about their health goals

HealthFitness has posted a new item, '6 ways to help employees stay resolute
about their health goals'

It's hard to believe it's already three weeks into the New Year; while 45
percent of us have made New Year's resolutions, only 8 percent of us will
actually keep them. When it comes to your employee wellness program, helping
employees stay the course after the New Year's resolution hype begins to fade is
just [...]

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Thursday, January 14, 2016

[HealthFitness] Are your vendors protecting wellness program information?

HealthFitness has posted a new item, 'Are your vendors protecting wellness
program information?'

As employers and health plans look to outside vendors for services, it is
critical that these vendors are aware of and practice specific measures to
protect client data. Lapses in appropriate privacy and security measures may not
only violate the law, but could cause tremendous problems for employers and
health plans.

Mistake 4: Not paying attention [...]

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Sunday, January 10, 2016

[HealthFitness] Are your vendors protecting wellness program information?

HealthFitness has posted a new item, 'Are your vendors protecting wellness
program information?'

As employers and health plans look to outside vendors for services, it is
critical that these vendors are aware of and practice specific measures to
protect client data. Lapses in appropriate privacy and security measures may not
only violate the law, but could cause tremendous problems for employers and
health plans.

Mistake 4: Not paying attention [...]

You may view the latest post at

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