Tuesday, June 23, 2015

[HealthFitness] 5 tips for making work a friendlier place

HealthFitness has posted a new item, '5 tips for making work a friendlier

Today's smart employers recognize that employee well-being extends beyond
physical health and includes social, emotional, financial and environmental

Effectively engaging employees from this whole-person view of health requires
creating and supporting a pervasive culture of health that fosters sustainable
healthy actions in the employee population.

At HealthFitness we refer to this as Well-doingsm for more people.

A key [...]

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

[HealthFitness] Well-doing for more people: Putting employee health into action

HealthFitness has posted a new item, 'Well-doing for more people: Putting
employee health into action'

To paraphrase an iconic car commercial, it's not your father's corporate
wellness program. Our industry has evolved rapidly, with employers increasingly
looking at employee health from a whole-person view, recognizing its physical,
social, emotional, financial and environmental dimensions. And while these
dimensions of well-being are critical in determining overall health, a key
component is the [...]

You may view the latest post at

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