Friday, November 29, 2013

Super Strong 64-Year-Old Great Grandpa

You don't have to be young to be fit and look good. This great-grandpa is 64 and can do the most difficult calisthenic exercises.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Top 5 Supplements to Supercharge Fat Burning

Eating less and exercising is the only way to lose weight, but these five nutritional supplements can boost the fat-burning process. 
Getting rid of body fat can be a long process. You might be eating right and exercise, but the body fat is just not coming off quickly enough.

As we get older, our metabolism slows down, which makes it harder to convert fat into energy. One key to lowering your body fat by boosting the rate at which your body burns calories is to use metabolism boosting supplements. One of the following supplements may even encourage your body to favor fat as your energy source.

I use all the supplements below to achieve optimal fat loss. As usual, please consult a holistic or sports nutritionist or doctor before making major changes to your diet. Read more

Friday, November 22, 2013

Handful of Nuts Daily Can Cut Death Risk of Cancer and Heart Disease by a Fifth

A handful of nuts a day can lower the death risk from cancer and heart disease by a fifth, say researchers.
Eating nuts significantly reduces our chances of dying of heart disease or from cancer, say researchers.

Scientists found that the more individuals ate, the less likely they were to die over a period of 30 years.

A daily handful of nuts cut death rates from any cause by a fifth, reduced those related to heart disease by nearly 30 per cent and lowered the chances of dying of cancer by 11 per cent. Read more

Monday, November 18, 2013

10 Health Facts About Cayenne Pepper

 Edward Group reveals ten health facts about cayenne pepper.
Whether to complete cajun food or to add some heat to vegetarian chili,cayenne pepper is one of my favorite peppers for spicing up a dish. The heat is from a phytochemical known as capsaicin. More than just a catalyst for a four alarm fire in your mouth, capsaicin has undergone quite a bit of laboratory and clinical testing to determine its benefits — as well as a few caveats. The next ten facts about cayenne pepper might surprise you! Read more

Friday, November 15, 2013

The 12 Worst Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

Dr. Joseph Mercola reveals nineteen ways to reduce your exposure to dangerous chemicals in your environment.
Common household goods, personal care products, and even food and water, are major sources of chemical exposure that can lead to an accumulation of toxins in your body. For obvious reasons, children are at greatest risk for adverse effects.

Many common household chemicals are known as endocrine disruptors, a number of which are found in plastic products. These chemicals are similar in structure to natural sex hormones such as estrogen, thereby interfering with their normal functions. Read more

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Superfish (Not Just Salmon) You Should Be Eating

Salmon is certainly good for you, but it's not the only kind of fish you should include in your diet, says Dr. Stephen Mosley.
Just about every nutrition expert recommends eating lots of fish – at least once a week, preferably more often. The fish most often cited to reduce risk of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes is wild salmon.

However, wild salmon is expensive, sometimes not available, and some people just don’t like the taste. Farmed salmon can have toxic PCBs from pollution and artificial additives. Read more

Monday, November 11, 2013

How to Get the Most Health Benefits from Vegetables

How can you get the most health benefits from your vegetables? STEAM them: A study found that boiled or microwaved broccoli has no cancer-fighting properties left.
Most people would probably admit they eat broccoli more for its health-giving properties than for its flavour.

But new research shows that people who don't cook it in the right way could be wasting their time.

Scientists found broccoli loses its cancer-fighting properties when it is boiled or microwaved. Read more

Friday, November 8, 2013

What’s In Your Herbal Medicine Chest?

What's in your herbal medicine chest? These twelve medicines should be,
Michele’s article on herbal medicine has inspired me to write up a piece on my top 10 herbal remedies. These are in no specific order. These are the remedies I tend to use most often. Read more

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

5 Tips for Insomnia

Can't sleep? Elizabeth Renter has five tips for insomnia.
If you have problems getting to sleep, you could be one of millions who struggles with insomnia. An estimated 9 million Americans take prescription sleep aids—sleep aids that could be linked to premature death and cancer. But if you are having difficulty sleeping, there are solutions that don’t require a doctor’s visit and a whole lot of money. Naturally balancing your lifestyle and your diet could provide the change you need to get some quality shut-eye on a consistent basis.

So what can you do to sleep better or simply sleep at all? In addition to these herbal sleep remedies, try utilizing some of the 5 tips below. Read more

Monday, November 4, 2013

So You Think Tylenol is Safe?

Edward Group reveals the dangers of the widely used.over-the-counter drug acetaminophen.
When it comes to proven, over-the-counter solutions for easing pain and controlling a fever, acetaminophen (also called paracetamol, and best known by the brand name, Tylenol) has long been the preferred recommendation for many. It is actually the most widely used product of its kind, and with good reason. When compared to other non-prescription pain relievers and fever reducers, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, acetaminophen is considered to be much more safe — especially for young children, people with weak or compromised liver function, or blood-clotting concerns. Read more

Friday, November 1, 2013

Wind Sprints for Your Arms: 15 Battle Rope Exercises

You've probably done wind sprints for your legs, but how about wind sprints for your arms?  Try these fifteen battle rope exercises for something new in your training.
When it comes to cardio, I’m one of those people who like to get it done as fast as possible. Jogging long-distance or spending thirty minutes on an elliptical isn’t my thing. That’s why I love high intensity interval training (HIIT). The basic idea of HIIT is to alternate between periods of short, intense anaerobic exercise (like sprinting, kettlebell swings, or burpees) with less intense resting periods. You repeat this sequence of short, intense exercise and resting for as little as four minutes or as long as thirty minutes. Research has shown that HIIT improves both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning, boosts testosterone levels, and ramps up your metabolism and keeps it ramped up hours after you’ve finished exercising.

I’m always on the lookout for new HIIT routines, and I’ve recently discovered one that has become my new favorite: battle ropes. Read more