Monday, September 29, 2014

5 Simple Tips to Reverse Hair Loss and Regrow Hair

Hair loss is a common problem for men, even for some as young as their mid-20s. Hair loss occurs for a variety of reasons. It may result from not absorbing nutrients, such as vitamin E, as we age. It could be the result of high levels of DHT, a chemical found in higher concentrations in men than women, and which is known to make it difficult for the body to regrow lost hair. To counteract these causes, here are some simple methods people have successfully used to regrow hair and keep themselves looking youthful.

1) Get your hair nutrients.

You need plenty of protein to be able to reverse hair loss and regrow hair. You also need sufficient vitamin E. Drink protein shakes and eat foods rich in vitamin E such as nuts and legumes.

2) Stop attacking your hair with heat.

If you use a blow dryer all the time, stop. Heating up your hair and scalp all the time may be causing your hair loss.

3) Wash your hair with with rosemary leaves.

Boil the rosemary leaves, strain them out. and then keep them in a jar. You can wash with this tea before shampooing, or you could try mixing it with a shampoo.

4) Massage olive oil into the scalp.

For some people this method works to reverse hair loss and regrow hair. Olive oil is rich in Omega-9, which may help regrow hair.

5) Use a .DHT blocker.

There are some hair loss treatments on the market today that are designed to inhibit the body's production of DHT. When DHT is inhibited sufficiently, your body will be able to reverse hair loss and regrow hair.

If your hair loss is advanced, you should probably try all of these tips. None of them are very troublesome, nor very expensive. Just remember that hair takes time to go through the growth cycle, so be sure to give the tips you try time to work.

In 17 days or less, you can stop your hair loss with a revolutionary lotion that is cheap and easy to prepare. The lotion consists of three herbs easy to find anywhere and two items found in your local pharmacy. To get the formula to stop your hair loss, click here!

Friday, September 26, 2014

7 Healthy Spices You Should Be Eating

It's not only the food you eat that can improve your health, but also what you put on it.
Spices are an important part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. For one thing, they can add a lot of zest and flavor to your food, making it less likely that you will use a lot of salt or oils to make a given dish taste good. Better yet, many spices are just healthy in and of themselves, the compounds that give them their flavor and color also bringing in a whole array of healthful benefits. Below are seven of the healthiest spices from around the world. Read more

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

5 Simple Lifestyle Changes Prevent 80 % of Heart Attacks

Men can significantly reduce their heart attack risk with five simple lifestyle changes, according  to a recent study.
Most heart attacks in men could be avoided by making five simple lifestyle changes, researchers claim.

Losing the belly, cutting down on alcohol, walking for 40 minutes a day, eating more fruit and veg and quitting smoking would drastically lower their risk.

A study of 20,271 men found that four out of five heart attacks could have been prevented by taking these five basic steps. Read more

Monday, September 22, 2014

Increase Your Brain Function Naturally

Margaret Durst reveals how to increase your brain and nerve function naturally.
Preserve your brain and nerve function. There are great supplements and lifestyle changes to help with this.

Some of the keys to long-term health for brain and nerves involves keeping insulin, blood sugar, inflammation, and toxicity at low levels. Read more

Friday, September 19, 2014

Why Diet Soda Causes Weight Gain

If you're trying to lose weight or prevent diabetes, drinking diet drinks may sabotage your efforts.
People who drink diet sodas over regular sodas are more likely to be overweight or obese, but scientists weren't sure why. The theories fell into two camps: one, something inherent to artificial sweeteners causes weight gain or two, diet sodas imply a diet and heavy people are more likely to be on one.

While we can't discount either quite yet, put down one more point for the first theory. A new study from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel reveals that artificial sweeteners may have a deleterious effect on our gut bacteria. Read more

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Eating High-Fat Dairy Products Cuts Risk of Type-2 Diabetes

Eating high-fat milk, cream, and cheese cuts the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a new study.
High fat dairy products such as cream, full-fat milk, yoghurt and cheese can actually reduce the risk of developing diabetes, according to a new study.

Swedish researchers found that people with the highest consumption of high-fat dairy products - eight or more portions a day - have a 23 per cent lower risk of developing the condition than those who eat one portion or less per day. Read more

Monday, September 15, 2014

Reverse Hair Loss with Onion Juice

Recent studies indicate that thinning hair is caused by the build up hydrogen peroxide and the reduction in catalase, a natural antioxidant. Build up of hydrogen peroxide causes oxidative stress, which leads to hair loss. In addition to being a nutritious vegetable, onions are also effective for increasing hair growth. Onions contain sulfur, which helps to regenerate hair follicles. Results from one study showed that 74 percent of the participants who applied onion juice to their scalp had significant hair growth within four weeks.

How to Make Onion Juice for Hair Treatment

You need to get some fresh onions to get the juice. Fresh juice is more potent, and it is better you make it in small amounts so that it does not need to be stored for long. You have 3 ways to make onion juice:

1) Juicer

Using a juicer is the easiest way you can make onion juice. Just peel the onion, cut it in half, put it in the juicer, and start juicing. The juice will be ready in seconds.

2) Blender or Food Processor

Peel the onion and cut it into four pices. Put the pieces into the blender or food processor and start blending. Strain the mixture to take only the juice.

3) Grater

Peel the onion and cut in half. Grate the two halves over a bowl or plate. Strain the mixture to get the juice only.

How to Use Onion Juice on Your Hair

Apply the juice to your scalp daily. Massage it lightly in to your hair, which helps it to be absorbed by stimulating the hair follicles. Leave it on for 30-60 minutes. Even better is to leave it on overnight and wash it out in the morning. Although you may find the smell to be strong, the results are worth it. This method will help stop hair loss in only about two weeks. Of course, it will take longer to completely regrow your hair, especially if you have lost a lot.

In 17 days or less, you can stop your hair loss with a revolutionary lotion that is cheap and easy to prepare. The lotion consists of three herbs easy to find anywhere and two items found in your local pharmacy. To get the formula to stop your hair loss, click here

Friday, September 12, 2014

Daily Plank Workout

This plank regimen could be the daily exercise your fitness routine is missing.
The one exercise that I do every single day: Planks. Why? Planks target and strengthen the entire body: arms, legs, shoulders, and core. This is the one exercise, hands down, where I have seen the most results in toning, Especially in my abdominal area, but the benefits of including a daily plank regimen goes way beyond strengthening and toning abs. Yes, that is correct, planks do not “just” get rid of the muffin top.

More than just rock solid abs (as if that isn’t enough!) Read more

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

High-Protein Diet Linked to Lower Blood Pressure

A high protein diet is linked to a LOWER risk of high blood pressure, according to new study. Researchers found that people who ate around 102g of protein a day had a 40% lower risk of developing high blood pressure than people who ate around 58g a day.
You might think that a diet involving juicy steaks, blocks of cheese or pots of houmous is a heart-attack waiting to happen.

But people who eat a high-protein diet have a lower risk of high blood pressure than those who eat less protein.

U.S. researchers found people who consumed about 102g of protein a day had a 40 per cent lower risk of developing high blood pressure than people who consumed half this amount. Read more

Monday, September 8, 2014

7 Natural Hair Loss Solutions

Everyone loses approximately 50 to 100 strands of hair every day. Only when the hair loss exceeds this amount do we begin to notice thinning or bald spots - a condition known as alopecia. Many men begin to experience hair loss in their 30s because at this age, hormonal change, stress, and unhealthy diets start to take their toll. Fortunately, there are natural hair loss solutions that are helpful in facilitating hair regrowth.

1) Quit smoking.

Smoking reduces circulation, including circulation to the scalp. Quit smoking and improved hair health will be just one of the benefits.

2) Stay hydrated.

Staying hydrated is essential to tissue growth and overall health. The hair shaft itself is largely made up of water.

3) Increase your protein intake.

Protein is the building block of each and every tissue in your body, including your hair. If you don’t eat meat, make sure you are getting enough complete proteins by including legumes and whole grains together, along with quinoa, and nuts to your diet.

4) Increase your vitamin A intake.

Vitamin A is necessary for healthy hair because it works with the fat synthesis. Food products rich in vitamin A include leafy greens, carrots, and eggs

5) Take B-complex supplements.

B vitamins have a wide range of benefits in the body. One in particular (B3) increases circulation to the scalp. Taking a b-complex supplement will ensure you are getting enough of them all.

6) Supplement vitamin E.

Vitamin E also encourages blood flow in the body and helps grow new blood vessels, which helps hair to grow. Besides taking a vitamin E supplement daily,opening a capsule and applying the gel inside to hair follicles can prevent hair loss.

7) Use herbs.

Herbs are among the most time-tested hair loss solutions. Herbs, such as enugreek, ginger, lavender, rosemary, and thyme, have been shown to help hair growth and prevent balding. Using essential oils of herbss for a scalp massage can help with hair loss. Two drops of essential oil should be blended with one tablespoon of base oil, such as almond, jojoba, or olive, to make a hair

You really should follow  all of these recommendation in order to stop and prevent hair thinning and balding. All of them, with the exception of the herbs, are things that everyone should be doing anyway.  If all of the men in your family was bald by age 50, you may have a difficult time reversing the trend, but by using these natural hair loss solutions, you could slow the progression of hair loss and keep your hair for as long as possible.

In 17 days or less, you can stop your hair loss with a revolutionary lotion that is cheap and easy to prepare. The lotion consists of three herbs easy to find anywhere and two items found in your local pharmacy. To get the formula to stop your hair loss, click here.

Friday, September 5, 2014

1,000-Year-Old Hangover Cure

Hungover? A 1,000-year-old Middle Eastern recipe claims to be the "ultimate hangover cure."
A big night out is usually followed by a fry-up, a cup of tea and painkillers.

But a Middle Eastern recipe uncovered in a 10th century cookbook could be all you need to cure a hangover.

The 1,000-year-old Iraqi dish involves cooking meat with vegetables and spices, and then adding something known as 'kashk'. Read more

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Low-Carb Diets Beat Low-Fat for Weight Loss: Study

A new study has found that low-carb diets not only beat low-fat diets for weight loss, but contrary to the researchers' expectations, are  also better for lowering the risk of heart disease.
A low-carbohydrate diet is better for losing weight and may also be better for lowering the risk of heart disease than a low-fat diet, according to a new study.

While low-carb diets have outperformed other diets when it comes to weight loss, some researchers feared they might be worse for heart health because they tend to be high in fat.

The new study shows that with proper nutritional counseling, people can lose more weight and lower their risk factors for heart disease on a low-carbohydrate diet, said the lead author, Dr. Lydia Bazzano of Tulane University in New Orleans. Read more

Monday, September 1, 2014

5 Natural Hair Loss Home Remedies

Hair loss is a major trauma for many men. At best, it's a sign of aging. Along with that, it reduces sex appeal. Many men turn to prescription and over-the-counter drugs to try to reverse their hair loss. However, these are expensive, do not always work, and sometimes have side effects, such as erectile dysfunction. A safer, cheaper alternative is to try natural hair loss remedies. The following five topical treatments for hair loss have been used for many years and have proven effective for many men.

1) Green Tea

Green tea contains anti-oxidants, which may prevent hair loss and boost hair growth. Brew two bags of green tea in one cup of water. Let the tea cool slightly, and then apply it to your hair and scalp. Leave the tea on for one hour and then, rinse your hair thoroughly.

2) Garlic Juice

Apply garlic juice to your scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave the juice on overnight. Wash it out in the morning.

3) Essential Oils

Massage your scalp daily by hand for five minutes with 1-2 tablespoons of almond, or sesame oil to which a few drops of bay or lavender essential oil have been added.

4) Hot Oil Treatments

You can use any natural oil, such as canola or olive oil. Heat the oil up so that it is warm, but not too hot to put onto your scalp. Then, massage the oil into your scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave on for about an hour. When the hour is up, rinse out the oil. Hot oil treatments should be done weekly.

5) Rangoli Henna

Rub your hair with rangoli henna. Rangoli henna is a green powder with the texture of talc that seals the hair cuticle, thereby strengthening the hair shaft at the root.

The hair's growth cycle of growth takes some time, so give each remedy a few months to work before giving up on it. Since they're cheap and safe, you can use more than one remedy at a time if you want. The important thing is to get started with something. The longer you wait, the more hair you will lose.

In 17 days or less, you can stop your hair loss with a revolutionary lotion that is cheap and easy to prepare. The lotion consists of three herbs easy to find anywhere and two items found in your local pharmacy. To get the formula to stop your hair loss, click here!