If you have been doing penis enlargement exercises, such as jelqing, you will want a larger scrotum to complement your longer, thicker penis. A larger scrotum will also allow the penis to hang lower, giving you that "hung" look. A large scrotum is also a huge turn-on to women. Scrotum enlargement doesn't increase the size of the testicles. What it does is stretch the skin of the scrotal sack so that your testicles hang lower. This helps enhance the size of your total "package."
Prepare to do this exercise every day. Simply set a time each day that you will perform this exercise to enlarge your scrotum. It does not take long, but it is important that you remember to do it every day and are persistent about it.
To begin the exercise, lie on your back or stand up straight. To make things easier, try lying down at first. Make sure your legs are parted and that you are naked from the waist down.
Warmth will cause the scrotum to let down, and the plumbing inside the scrotum to relax and stretch more easily. Use a towel, and place a hot compress on your groin area before you begin a scrotum stretching session.
Begin by massaging your scrotum lightly, helping to loosen it up and become more flexible. The skin will be easier to grab and will be noticeably more loose.
To stretch your scrotum, simply make an "OK" sign ring around your scotum with one hand. Gently pull down. While you are doing that, grab your flaccid penis. With your penis in the other hand, pull it upwards while you pull your scrotum downward. This will create a stretch in the skin of the scrotal sack. If you don't feel a stretch in the upper part of the scrotal sack skin, you are doing it wrong.
By continually doing this, your testicles will hang lower. Try to do five of these a day, each for one minute.
Scrotum enlargement is not something you can rush. Consistency, and time are more important than force and pressure. It's moderate tension over long periods of time that will stretch your scrotum, and give you the low hanging testicles you're looking for.
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