For the most part, unless you are allergic to a particular substance, it seems that most teas found on the market are good for you. This isn't going to be a very detailed post; just pointing out the options of finding other healthy teas besides the typical black and green teas. Personally, I like to mix green and black with clover honey and sugar, as I stated in my post: "
My favorite tea with clover honey." Now, before I go any further, I am in no way saying that these other types of tea are better for you than green or black teas, but depending upon your needs, you may find some of these alternative teas to be more suitable for you.
"Hibiscus tea is the infusion made from the calyces (sepals) of the Hibiscus sabdariffa flower, an herbal tea drink consumed both hot and cold by people around the world. It is also referred to as roselle (another common name for the hibiscus flower), flor de Jamaica in Latin America, karkadé in Egypt and Sudan, bissap or wonjo in West Africa, sorrel in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, red sorrel in the wider Caribbean, and other names in other regions." [per Wikipedia]

When I drank this red colored tea with sugar, it had a cranberry-like flavor. Besides the good taste, it was also very pleasing to look at (due to the color), when drank out of a glass with ice... This tea naturally contains vitamin C along with trace minerals and is used traditionally as a mild medicine. Hey, this drink is really big in Egypt. For example, it is said to have been a preferred drink of the pharaohs. ...Anyway, one of the most touted claims about drinking hibiscus tea, is its ability to lower blood pressure - especially if you're suffering from Type 2 diabetes. Speaking of lowering blood pressure, you may also be interested in reading my post: "
The Health Benefits of Vinegar." ...Now back to the hibiscus subject: If you'd like to read more about this type of healthy tea and the studies that have linked it to lowering blood pressure, visit: Chamomile is a fairly popular tea that is mostly known for its smooth taste and its ability to calm you down. Many people use it as a sleep aid. However, with my experience with it, if you are really riled up or aggravated, it won't be strong enough for a sleep aid. Of course, Chamomile tea is caffeine free. Outside of it being a
mild sleep aid, Chamomile tea has loads of health benefits. It is also used to treat sore stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, acts as a mild laxative and is very healthy for your digestive tract, in general. Chamomile is also an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-bactericidal. Studies have shown positive results when it comes to lowering blood sugar, as well. Research with animals suggests antispasmodic, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory and some antimutagenic and cholesterol-lowering effects for chamomile. As usual, more research needs to be done.
Side note: If you suffer from ragweed allergies, Chamomile may not be for you since it is a relative of ragweed.

Outside of green, black, hibiscus, and chamomile teas, there are other healthy herbal teas out there on the market. The brand "Celestial Seasonings" has a wide variety of such things. For example, their herbal "Tension Tamer" tea contains a big variety: Eleuthero, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Ginger, Chamomile, West Indian Lemongrass, Licorice, Catnip, and Tilia Flowers.
So, in between your bad habits and absorption of atmospheric toxins and pollutions, go grab yourself some healthy tea and try to counter some of these negative free radicals. Cheers!
---End of Post "Other Healthy Teas: Hibiscus, Chamomile..."
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