Side note: I recently did a blog post over Ginkgo Biloba - which in my opinion, is just a bunch of herbal, marketing baloney with false claims of being able to enhance your brain power. Trust me, exercising your mind via thoughts and mental activity is way better than hoping for some miracle pill to do the work for ya... However, there is some evidence that adding more Omega-3 into your diet, may improve your thought processes; the same applies for ginseng supplements, as well.
...Speaking of that, my mind has been active a lot lately, but not in a good way. Relationship issues, anger, stress, etc., is not necessarily the healthiest forms of mental exercises, to say the least - but it is "mental activity," nonetheless. That reminds me, I really need to beat the hell out of one of those Body Opponent Heavy Bags to alleviate some pent-up frustrations!
Anyway, the point is, as the old adage states: "Use it or lose it." Yeah, that saying is often used for people who suffer from erectile dysfunction, but it also applies to the mind and body.
Well, enough chatter for now; I think you get the point. I recently did a quick web search and found a few sites that contain brain teasers, mind games, etc. You can do your own search if you wish because there are loads of related websites out there, but before I end this post, I'll provide a couple links below: - contains several mind games, brain tests, memory games, speed reading tests, a short version of an IQ test, trivia, and so on. On that particular site, you'll often have to scroll down to the last half of each page to find the games/tests, since the top half is usually full of adverts. - has word games, puzzles, typing games, crosswords, etc.
For daily tidbits and other word games, go here:

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