Yes folks, just like the old days, we're talking about eating eggs for protein. Don't even bother thinking about those cholesterol myths, unless you already have an existing medical problem. If you'd like to read why I say such things, visit my "Cholesterol Myths Debunked" post that I wrote on a website of mine a while back, for more information.
Now, back to the subject... Eggs, when consuming both the egg whites and the yolk, are a complete source of protein and provide loads of essential amino acids. Plus, the egg yolks - due to the sulfur content, also help detoxify the body. Speaking of "back in the day" when you would see or hear about how bodybuilders drank raw eggs, I would definitely pass on that option of intake. The risks for getting salmonella nowadays, in my opinion, would be higher due to the mass demand for egg production and the way many chickens are raised in crowded, stressful conditions. There is no need to drink raw eggs, and there are so many delicious ways to prepare them. One minor suggestion, is that if you have a few extra cents, go ahead and try to purchase the eggs that contain the Omega-3 fatty acids; it's just another added benefit to the already healthy, nutritious egg. By the way, eggs are not only good for protein, but they are packed with key nutrients that help keep your body strong and healthy.
In addition to all of this, eggs are also a good source of the amino acid Taurine. If you'd like to read about why this is important, visit the blog post "Health Benefits of Taurine."
Okay, now that we realize that this stuff is not bad like many wanna-be health gurus often try to tell ya, how do like 'em? A quick & easy way is to simply fry them up in a healthy Omega-3 rich oil, such as Canola oil. Many people like to scramble their eggs; just make sure you butter the pan before you go to fry your scrambled eggs. Personally, I add a little seasoned salt, pepper, hot sauce, and milk to my scrambled eggs before pouring them into the frying pan, and it comes out rather tasty and unlike the typical, basic scrambled eggs that usually hit people's breakfast plate. If you're watching your calories and are looking for the lowest calorie version, hard-boiled eggs are the way to go. Just put the eggs in a sauce pan filled with water, boil for about 7 to 10 minutes; replace the hot water with cold - to cool them off; crack and peel the shell; season to taste and enjoy.
Now, there are a few things you can do with hard-boiled eggs. One, is the way I just mentioned prior. Two, you can pickle them in a jar to enjoy at a later date, and three, you can prepare deviled eggs. I love deviled eggs, and I used to only eat them during the holidays when my granny made 'em. But this last Christmas I got to thinking, "you know, these things appear to be simple to make, yet I've never even tried to do this." Let me just say, they are no problem at all to make and if you're on a diet that requires excellent sources of protein, the recipe below may be just what you're looking for - especially if you are getting tired of eating eggs prepared the same old ways (boiled, fried, scrambled).
Quick & Easy Recipe for Deviled Eggs:
"Classic Deviled Eggs" [Great for any occasion; serve chilled]
6 boiled eggs, 3 tablespoons mayonnaise or salad dressing, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1 teaspoon vinegar, 1/4 teaspoon salt & pepper.
---Side Note: I usually replace the teaspoon of vinegar and tablespoon of sugar with a couple teaspoons of sweet relish.
To hard cook eggs, place eggs in enough cold water to cover completely and bring to a rolling boil over high heat; reduce heat to a lower boil and cook an additional 12 minutes (I rarely cook them over 10 minutes, but that's what the recipe says). Promptly chill the eggs in ice water to help keep the yolks bright yellow.
Remove shells from eggs and halve lengthwise with a knife. Carefully remove the yolks and place in a medium bowl. Mash yolks with a fork. Add remaining ingredients; mix well. Lightly spoon mixture back into egg white halves. Garnish with a light sprinkling of paprika (optional). Refrigerate until served.
Well, there you have it... Now, go eat some eggs for protein; they're good for you!

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