Back in the day, when I had more room, I used to have a heavy bag and a speed bag to punch and kick on - after my regular workouts involving weightlifting. I found it to be an excellent top-off, cool down, and finishing touch to a hard workout. I also felt like I balanced my workouts by using some of the muscles that are not worked as hard through standard motions such as bench presses and curls, for example.
Like I said before, you don't have to know the art or even be good at Karate or whatever, but by going through the motions on a regular basis, you'll add extra flexibility, agility and strength, over time. Hey, it is worth a try...especially if you're tired of the same physical fitness routines.
If you're interested in grabbing a couple books to learn more:
'Click Here' to Shop via Amazon for Books related to Martial Arts
If you'd like to learn more about the weaponry used in this combative art, visit:
Traditional Weapons - Martial Arts - Bruce Lee included...
Hey, here's a kung-fu video for motivation... It's a Bruce Lee YouTube video from the movie Enter the Dragon:
Image of Bruce Lee:

---End of Post "Martial Arts is also great for Physical Fitness"
Related Link: "Body Opponent Heavy Bag - BOB"
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