Monday, November 30, 2015

[HealthFitness] Protect wellness program information against silly actions

HealthFitness has posted a new item, 'Protect wellness program information
against silly actions'

When smart people do silly things with information, there is no mal-intent.

An employee could intentionally give out information, but not realize that it
could be harmful. Someone might inadvertently attach a file with protected
health information (PHI) or personally identifiable information (PII) to an
email for a different client, for example. Or, perhaps a process [...]

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Monday, November 23, 2015

[HealthFitness] Keep wellness program information safe from external threats

HealthFitness has posted a new item, 'Keep wellness program information safe
from external threats'

You may already know that information in a medical record (Social Security
number, home address, date of birth) is an identity theft goldmine for
committing generic identity theft.

However, did you know a more specific kind of identity theft, in which a
patient's medical records are resold to uninsured patients who are desperate
to access medical [...]

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Monday, November 16, 2015

[HealthFitness] Curb desk dining to nudge worksite wellness forward

HealthFitness has posted a new item, 'Curb desk dining to nudge worksite
wellness forward'

Research shows four out of five people consistently do this; it's called desk

Eating meals regularly at your desk is common place at most workplaces, but many
don't realize it can also be harmful to employee health. How? Missed
opportunities to socialize with co-workers and increased mindless eating are
just a few reasons.

Yet, regularly dining [...]

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

[HealthFitness] 3 strategies for a tobacco-free workplace

HealthFitness has posted a new item, '3 strategies for a tobacco-free

Nationally, the estimated economic costs attributed to smok­ing and exposure to
tobacco smoke continue to increase and now approach $300 billion annually, which
includes $193 billion in health expenses and lost productivity. The good news?
Nearly 70 percent of smokers have the desire to quit.

With the American Cancer Society's Great American Smoke Out right around

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Monday, November 2, 2015

[HealthFitness] 8 ways to help your employees find time for fitness

HealthFitness has posted a new item, '8 ways to help your employees find time
for fitness'

If you asked your employees if they would like to get more exercise, most would
agree that they would like to be more physically active, but finding time for
fitness is challenging.

Why is it so important for your employees to be active? Consider the facts:

Physical inactivity and its adverse health effects are comparable to that of

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